Monday, December 31, 2007
template change...not anything personal.....
so I changed my template as you can see so I am now going to need to update my links and the other blogs that I read so bear with me as I put your link back on there.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas from our family to yours.....

As we look back at this last year there are a few things that have taken place in our family.
Sean has been working hard for Trotter Morton as a supervisor of his crew. Right now he is at the Foothills Hospital working on the new addition. Soon, however, he will be heading to the Airport to start work on their new wing. He is really enjoying the work and it is nice to see that he has finaaly found his niche.
I am working form home as a bookkeeper/accountant. So when I am not being a full time mom that work keeps me pretty busy. There are times that I wish I was back at work, but I really wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom for anything. Michaela and Logan keep me pretty busy they are growing up fast and every day they have a new skill and I keep having to try to figure them out again.
Michaela turned 3 this year and started preschool in September and is really loving it. She talks about school all the time which make me think that I should have gotten her into 2 days a week instead of one. But she's growing up so fast that I thought that I needed to slow her down a bit. Before I know it she will be in kindergarten and then graduating from high school. She loves being a big sister and she loves Logan to death. They play together, but there are times that they fight like cats and dogs. Their sibling rivalry sometimes gets the best of me. Michaela is smart as a whip and really takes things in. She soaks up learning like a sponge and surprises me everyday with the things that she has learnt. She has grown up so much that there are days that I don't recognize her.
Logan turned two this month and although there has been times that I have worried about his growth he is a typical 2 year old. He follows his sister around and copies her every move. He is her parrott and there are times that I wish that he would think for himself, but then again, he is learning things that he wouldn't be learning if it wasn't for his older sister. He loves to laugh and loves to make us smile. He loves to play tackle and has fun wrestling with his daddy. He is after all a though and through daddy's boy.
As for Brooke, well, she is going to be 12 in January and we wnjoy having her every other weekend. Although we would like to see her more oftne. She is in grade 7 now attending Dr. Gordon Higgins Jr High. The reports that I get from her indicate that she loves it. I wish I could tell you more than that, but right now she is the typical tweenager where she doesn't tell you much about herself. i can tell you that Michael absolutly adores her and can't wait until she comes again, and she haes it when we have to take her home. It is nice to have her with us as she is a big help to us and takes some pressure off of me.
This year has been full of ups and downs but all in all it has bee a great year and I am looking forward to what next year has to bring.
So from our family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Merry Christmas to everyone..
I was sent this on facebook and it took me back to my childhood. I really enjoyed this duet and I hope that you do to.
Friday, December 07, 2007
My baby boy turns 2
So on this day 2 years ago my little Logan was born. I can't tell you haow differnt he is from his EVERY way. Even my pregnancy with him was easier and I didn't have to go through all the complications that I had with her with him. i had to have a C-section with him as I had an emergency one with his sister and then we got pregnant too soon. So to be safe, I had a planned one with Logan which is much easiwe in every sense than an emergency one.
He has brought joy to our lives and is such alittle comedian. He likes to laugh and to make everyone around him laugh. In order to know what I just have to witness it first hand. He is stubborn and has a temperment equal to that of his daddy's. Which when he is having his fits 9as he is right now now up in his room) is NOT pleasant. He will scream forEVER if I let him and at times I AM tempted.
He loves his family and loves to play. Right now his favourite thing to play is TACKLE!!!! adn you are right..his father taught him how to tackle and he LOVES it. He also likes to wrestle and he werstles his sister all day long. Sometimes he doesn't know how to stand up for himself and Michaela takes advantage of that. He is really easy going and will give up anything if it means that the other person is happy. He does mostly everything that is asked of him. He is a real bundle of joy and love.
Logan my son, you have brought joy into our family and you give us reasons to smile every day. Your laugh is infectious and you love to spread it all over the place. You are a light in my life and our family would not be complete without you in it. You love your family and it shows. You are not afraid to show your emotions and your feeling. I hope you never lose that ability, yet I hope that you find the ability to stand up for yourself. Your family loves you as does your Father in Heaven and we all want the best for you.
So on this special day of your second birthday.. I hope you never forget how special you are and how much you are loved.
He has brought joy to our lives and is such alittle comedian. He likes to laugh and to make everyone around him laugh. In order to know what I just have to witness it first hand. He is stubborn and has a temperment equal to that of his daddy's. Which when he is having his fits 9as he is right now now up in his room) is NOT pleasant. He will scream forEVER if I let him and at times I AM tempted.
He loves his family and loves to play. Right now his favourite thing to play is TACKLE!!!! adn you are right..his father taught him how to tackle and he LOVES it. He also likes to wrestle and he werstles his sister all day long. Sometimes he doesn't know how to stand up for himself and Michaela takes advantage of that. He is really easy going and will give up anything if it means that the other person is happy. He does mostly everything that is asked of him. He is a real bundle of joy and love.
Logan my son, you have brought joy into our family and you give us reasons to smile every day. Your laugh is infectious and you love to spread it all over the place. You are a light in my life and our family would not be complete without you in it. You love your family and it shows. You are not afraid to show your emotions and your feeling. I hope you never lose that ability, yet I hope that you find the ability to stand up for yourself. Your family loves you as does your Father in Heaven and we all want the best for you.
So on this special day of your second birthday.. I hope you never forget how special you are and how much you are loved.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
My best friend..ahhhh......
So I have been tagged so here it goes
What is your husband's name: Sean
How long have you been married: 4 years
How long did you date before you got married: date? 6 months, now if you asked how long did we KNOW each other you'd be shocked at the answer....15 years before we dated
Who eats more: Sean by a long shot
Who said I love you first: I think Sean did
Who is taller: Sean
Who sings better: I do although he does sing very nice
Who is smarter: depends on the circumstance..he is far more street smart where I am book smart. Although he is smart at math and science.
Whose temper is worse: Sean's
Who does the laundry: I do..every day
Who does the dishes: I do
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: right now I do but that may change. I just need to sleep closest to the door. I feel safer that way
Who pays the bills: I do
Who cooks dinner: I do
Who drives when you are together: Mostly Sean, but he does give up the wheel sometimes...I drive the truck more so her takes advantage of it when we are together
Who is more stubborn: I am
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong: Sean
Whose parents do you see the most: it's a tie
Who kissed who first: It was a mutual thing it took awhile for us to get past the.."you're my best friend annd this is going to be weird" Phase
Who asked who out first: it was more my nephew who on a dare from his mom said..."hey Sean Auntie Tara likes you..what are you going to do about it?" but really can you fault a 4 year old? so then it was so "hey do you want to try this dating thing?"
Who proposed: down on one knee and everything
Who is more sensitive: I am
Who has more friends: Sean..he gets out more...but we have alot of the same friends
Who wears the pants in the family: depending on the situation..we both do
Where did you meet your husband: school..grade 10
What was the first thing you said to your husband: man who can remember that long ago? I think I said something like "stop being a jerk"
Where was your first date: dinner
Where was your first kiss: in my livingroom in my apartment
Where did you get engaged: on a gravel road somewhere..we went for a drive and then he stopped got out of the car opened my car door and got down on one knee and popped the question....for us that's romantic
Where were you married: Cardston Temple
Where was the Honeymoon: in Canmore in a cabin just after Christmas and I was already pregnant...
I tag..Michelle Y, Heather B, Jessica T, Cheryl S and Leslie R

How long have you been married: 4 years
How long did you date before you got married: date? 6 months, now if you asked how long did we KNOW each other you'd be shocked at the answer....15 years before we dated
Who eats more: Sean by a long shot
Who said I love you first: I think Sean did
Who is taller: Sean
Who sings better: I do although he does sing very nice
Who is smarter: depends on the circumstance..he is far more street smart where I am book smart. Although he is smart at math and science.
Whose temper is worse: Sean's
Who does the laundry: I do..every day
Who does the dishes: I do
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: right now I do but that may change. I just need to sleep closest to the door. I feel safer that way
Who pays the bills: I do
Who cooks dinner: I do
Who drives when you are together: Mostly Sean, but he does give up the wheel sometimes...I drive the truck more so her takes advantage of it when we are together
Who is more stubborn: I am
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong: Sean
Whose parents do you see the most: it's a tie
Who kissed who first: It was a mutual thing it took awhile for us to get past the.."you're my best friend annd this is going to be weird" Phase
Who asked who out first: it was more my nephew who on a dare from his mom said..."hey Sean Auntie Tara likes you..what are you going to do about it?" but really can you fault a 4 year old? so then it was so "hey do you want to try this dating thing?"
Who proposed: down on one knee and everything
Who is more sensitive: I am
Who has more friends: Sean..he gets out more...but we have alot of the same friends
Who wears the pants in the family: depending on the situation..we both do
Where did you meet your husband: school..grade 10
What was the first thing you said to your husband: man who can remember that long ago? I think I said something like "stop being a jerk"
Where was your first date: dinner
Where was your first kiss: in my livingroom in my apartment
Where did you get engaged: on a gravel road somewhere..we went for a drive and then he stopped got out of the car opened my car door and got down on one knee and popped the question....for us that's romantic
Where were you married: Cardston Temple
Where was the Honeymoon: in Canmore in a cabin just after Christmas and I was already pregnant...
I tag..Michelle Y, Heather B, Jessica T, Cheryl S and Leslie R
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
He's growing up slowly but surely......
So this morning I was in a rush cause Logan had a pedeatrician's appointment at 9am. I had to get dressed, take out the garbage, get the kids dressed, warm up the truck, put the kids in their winter coats (which for some reason takes longer than a summer coat), take Michaela to Auntie Carrie's house (or as Micha calls it Kendyls house), get gas in the truck and then travel all the way to Chinook Centre to see the doctor. Well I managed to sleep in an didn't get up out of bed until 7 which then put me in panic mode. But I managed to get everythign done and get out the door to Carrie's house by 8. What a miracle!!!! considering the phone was ringing this morning too.
So, anyways, Logan has been seeing a pedeatrician for a few months now since I had some concerns about him taking so long to start walking and that he had lost weight and was really quite short. So we've been monitoring him quite close to see how he has been growing. his last appointment in July put his weight at 21 and a bit lbs. today he is 22 lbs and 14 ozs which is fine by the doctor. Kids hos age only gain 5 lbs a year. But what really had me happy was the fact that he grew 5 cm in 6 months. According to the doctor that is great. he went from 75 cm to 80 cm. So maybe at the ripe old age of 2 he can finally get out of his 12 months pants, but then again maybe not since they are just fitting him right now, they are not too long.
But I had to take him for a bone age test where they x-ray his hand and wrist to see if the reason that he is so short is that the age of hi bones is behind that of his actual age. which would make sense since he is about the right height for a 1 year old. They are trying to put my fears of him being a "Little Person" at ease. he may just be a short kid and then a short adult, or one day he may just shhot up and be a little taller. who knows. All I know right now is that he is on the right track developmentally for a 2 year old and in that respect there are NO concerns. If he does winde up being a Little Person the we just deal with it. All I know is that he would make one HECK of a cute Little Person. Even if he isn't he is still stinking cute anyways.
Yep that's right my son is a shorty. But that is what makes him who he is and i wouldn't trade him for anything.
So, anyways, Logan has been seeing a pedeatrician for a few months now since I had some concerns about him taking so long to start walking and that he had lost weight and was really quite short. So we've been monitoring him quite close to see how he has been growing. his last appointment in July put his weight at 21 and a bit lbs. today he is 22 lbs and 14 ozs which is fine by the doctor. Kids hos age only gain 5 lbs a year. But what really had me happy was the fact that he grew 5 cm in 6 months. According to the doctor that is great. he went from 75 cm to 80 cm. So maybe at the ripe old age of 2 he can finally get out of his 12 months pants, but then again maybe not since they are just fitting him right now, they are not too long.
But I had to take him for a bone age test where they x-ray his hand and wrist to see if the reason that he is so short is that the age of hi bones is behind that of his actual age. which would make sense since he is about the right height for a 1 year old. They are trying to put my fears of him being a "Little Person" at ease. he may just be a short kid and then a short adult, or one day he may just shhot up and be a little taller. who knows. All I know right now is that he is on the right track developmentally for a 2 year old and in that respect there are NO concerns. If he does winde up being a Little Person the we just deal with it. All I know is that he would make one HECK of a cute Little Person. Even if he isn't he is still stinking cute anyways.
Yep that's right my son is a shorty. But that is what makes him who he is and i wouldn't trade him for anything.
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