This past friday (Nov 21) Sean and I celebrated our 5th anniversary. Man how time flies. He took me out on Saturday to dinner and a movie and we had a great time. I love how he surprises me with a phone call that says.."hey I found a sitter...I am taking you out tonight". I am looking forward to many many more happy years together with him.
I am suffering from disbelief that there is only 8 days left until this baby comes. And yes he is still unnamed. I keep giving Sean name ideas and so far nothing has peaked his interest. I have come up with Owen, Ewan, Pierce, Vaughn, Tiernan, Talon, and so on and so on. So who knows what this little one will end up for a name. When we have settled on a name I will let you in on what is the big question in our house hold.
Other than that there is really nothing to report. I am trying to get caught up on work before I go to the hospital so I don't have to worry about falling to far behind. It sure is keeping me busy that's for sure.
I am looking for people to help with the kids while I am in the hospital I have some days covered, but with Sean unable to take too much time off work, we are left depending on the kindness of friends to help us out.
Well that's it for now. I will try to keep you updated more often with what is going on around here.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Here I sit just trying to take it as easy as I can while waiting for the 3rd of December to arrive. That is the date that we will be welcoming our 3rd and final child into our family. I have been in the middle of the whole nesting phase, trying to get the boys' room in order and tidy the master bedroom. We got new furniture and so we had to set up the bedroom a litte differently and we are still tryin to to used to the new set up (so are the dogs).
I have been worried about who I can get to watch the kids while I am in the hospital (3 days) and while Sean in working. I am also hoping that my parents can take them for a few days when I get home from the hospital. Recovering from a c-section sucks. I hope that I can get this house in order to give the kids the feel of Christmas this year. Since Logan was born on the 7th I don't out the tree up until after his birthday. I want him to feel that his birthday is special. But the poor little guy won't get much of a party this year, just means that I may have to make it up to him next year. I hope that Ican find the time for Christmas shopping this year. Last year I went to Idaho for Black Friday and ot all the shopping done then, this year however, I am stuck at home while my sisters and sister-in-law head down to do their shopping.
The fact that this baby is coming so close to Christmas is concerning me. When I had Logan we had Seans mom living here so I didn't have to worry about things like getting the tree up or Christmas dinner, and with Sean as the Scrooge personified I really can't count on him to do it.
Oh and by the way this baby still doesn't have a name so I am putting out there for you to tell me what your favourite boys name is and if we choose one of those then there will be prize in it for the winner. I am looking for a unique name but nothing to out crazy. Logan was almost Tyrannus and Sean has put forward the name Radar for this one (sometimes it's hard to tell if he's joking). So me out here I need ideas.
I have been worried about who I can get to watch the kids while I am in the hospital (3 days) and while Sean in working. I am also hoping that my parents can take them for a few days when I get home from the hospital. Recovering from a c-section sucks. I hope that I can get this house in order to give the kids the feel of Christmas this year. Since Logan was born on the 7th I don't out the tree up until after his birthday. I want him to feel that his birthday is special. But the poor little guy won't get much of a party this year, just means that I may have to make it up to him next year. I hope that Ican find the time for Christmas shopping this year. Last year I went to Idaho for Black Friday and ot all the shopping done then, this year however, I am stuck at home while my sisters and sister-in-law head down to do their shopping.
The fact that this baby is coming so close to Christmas is concerning me. When I had Logan we had Seans mom living here so I didn't have to worry about things like getting the tree up or Christmas dinner, and with Sean as the Scrooge personified I really can't count on him to do it.
Oh and by the way this baby still doesn't have a name so I am putting out there for you to tell me what your favourite boys name is and if we choose one of those then there will be prize in it for the winner. I am looking for a unique name but nothing to out crazy. Logan was almost Tyrannus and Sean has put forward the name Radar for this one (sometimes it's hard to tell if he's joking). So me out here I need ideas.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I'm baaaack
So I am back in the land of the living. I have been without my trusty laptop for awhile now and haven't known what to do with myself. I was able to borrow my MIL's in order to get some work done but that was pretty much it. A lot has been going on this last little while but I will have to catch you up on all the happenings at a later date.
A side note that you might be interested in, I have a tentative date in line for my C-Section as December 1st. I was hoping to NOT have 2 December babies but what can you do at least this baby won't have it's birthday in the middle of hunting season. But as of right now we still don't have a name for this little one. But if it's anthing like Logan he won't have a name until he is born.
So anyways..when I have a bit more time I will fill you in on all the fun things that have been going on in our neck of the woods
A side note that you might be interested in, I have a tentative date in line for my C-Section as December 1st. I was hoping to NOT have 2 December babies but what can you do at least this baby won't have it's birthday in the middle of hunting season. But as of right now we still don't have a name for this little one. But if it's anthing like Logan he won't have a name until he is born.
So anyways..when I have a bit more time I will fill you in on all the fun things that have been going on in our neck of the woods
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Micha's first day
Well Micha has started her first day of her last year in preschool and already she is talking about kindergarten. She was so excited about it that she started getting her backpack ready for school as soon as she woke up this mnorning. Here she is with her BFF Grace, they are pretty much inseparable. It is nice that they have each other as friends they are pretty much the same person
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Here's how it works:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew/know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you (if you really don't want to play but still want to leave a comment, just leave a comment and then tell me that you would rather not play)
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew/know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you (if you really don't want to play but still want to leave a comment, just leave a comment and then tell me that you would rather not play)
Monday, June 23, 2008
It's been too long.....
Well swimming lessons are over, and both kids have been moved up to the next level. I didn't think that Micha would as she had a hard time listening to her teacher. But I spoke to the teacher after and she said she passed because Micha has absolutely NO fear of the water. She could drop her in the water and Micha would come up and not be scarred. I just have to work on her listening skills, she doesn't like to listen at home either so it's a contstant battle.
Logan is pretty much done with his potty training, He's even tying to go on his own...only when he lifted the lid last night it came down and smuched his finger..what a cutie.
Micha is also finished her dance classes so now I have to find something else for her to do. I was thinking gymnastics but it is REALLY expensive, even tho I think that she would excel at it and maybe give her some discipline. (I wanted to post a picture and a video of her recital piece..but I seem to be having some issues with blogger. So I will get that done soon)
I seem to have 2 of the same person whe it comes to my kids. Logan is Micha's little parrott. Does EVERYTHING that she does and says EVERYTHING that she does and with the same tone of voice too. I hope that he will come into his own soon. I have a feeling that Micha's world will come crashing down on her when this baby is born cuz Lolo will finally realize that he doesn't have to take her guff anymore and she won't be able to boss him around or push him around without any reprocussions. It will be a sad day in the life of Michaela but a rewarding one in Lolo's life. i just hope that they can stop fighting..I know full well that THAT won't happen. it may end up getting worse.
Oh and on an end note I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to Kim and Andrew Hawryluk who welcomed a daughter on June 19th!!!
Logan is pretty much done with his potty training, He's even tying to go on his own...only when he lifted the lid last night it came down and smuched his finger..what a cutie.
Micha is also finished her dance classes so now I have to find something else for her to do. I was thinking gymnastics but it is REALLY expensive, even tho I think that she would excel at it and maybe give her some discipline. (I wanted to post a picture and a video of her recital piece..but I seem to be having some issues with blogger. So I will get that done soon)
I seem to have 2 of the same person whe it comes to my kids. Logan is Micha's little parrott. Does EVERYTHING that she does and says EVERYTHING that she does and with the same tone of voice too. I hope that he will come into his own soon. I have a feeling that Micha's world will come crashing down on her when this baby is born cuz Lolo will finally realize that he doesn't have to take her guff anymore and she won't be able to boss him around or push him around without any reprocussions. It will be a sad day in the life of Michaela but a rewarding one in Lolo's life. i just hope that they can stop fighting..I know full well that THAT won't happen. it may end up getting worse.
Oh and on an end note I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to Kim and Andrew Hawryluk who welcomed a daughter on June 19th!!!
Monday, June 02, 2008
It could have been disaterous.....
The first sunday of every month our family gets together and has a family dinner to celebrate the birthdays and anniversaries that take place that month. So yesterday we gathered for our monthly dinner and the kids were having fun palying outside while the adults were talking.
Now to give you alittle background my parents live on an acreage and on that acreage they have a swap way in the corner.
The kids were playing in the treehouse, but Logan being who he is was off on his own becasue he likes it that way. Well, Ihad this feeling to go and look for him so I walked around the acreage calling his name but got no response. I told Sean that I couldn't find him so Sean took off in another direction and heard him crying. Sean went in the direction of the screaming and found him half way out in the swamp. he had waded out into chest deep water, got stuck and was just standing there screaming.
I ran back to the house and got the boots while Sean kept an eye on him to make sure he didn't fall. I ran back and in the meantime my dad and a friend asked me where he was I yelled he was in the swamp and they ran out and so there went Sean, dad and Garry Wickwire into the swamp to pull him out. He was stuck in there good and I am thinkful that he didn't fall cause yeah...things would not be good, I wouldn't have my little boy anymore. I am thankful that he was under the protection of the Lord and that he was being protected from the worse thing that could've happened.
Now to give you alittle background my parents live on an acreage and on that acreage they have a swap way in the corner.
The kids were playing in the treehouse, but Logan being who he is was off on his own becasue he likes it that way. Well, Ihad this feeling to go and look for him so I walked around the acreage calling his name but got no response. I told Sean that I couldn't find him so Sean took off in another direction and heard him crying. Sean went in the direction of the screaming and found him half way out in the swamp. he had waded out into chest deep water, got stuck and was just standing there screaming.
I ran back to the house and got the boots while Sean kept an eye on him to make sure he didn't fall. I ran back and in the meantime my dad and a friend asked me where he was I yelled he was in the swamp and they ran out and so there went Sean, dad and Garry Wickwire into the swamp to pull him out. He was stuck in there good and I am thinkful that he didn't fall cause yeah...things would not be good, I wouldn't have my little boy anymore. I am thankful that he was under the protection of the Lord and that he was being protected from the worse thing that could've happened.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Well right now I am supposed to be doing some work, but I thought that I would take a few minutes and fill you in on the week. Things for the most part have been chuging along as per usual but then a gog was thrown into the wheel and i had to quit my job. Not by choice but they left me no choice.
Wednesday I got to work and noticed that they have taken away my day shift that we needed for me to make the fact that I went to work worthwhile. I was then informed that I was not going to be given another day to make up for that. I then went into my shift on Thursday and told them that 7 hours a week was not worthe the hassle and the effect on my kids for me to come into work. I was informed that they liked the way I worked and that I pick up the job really well (it was M&M meats it wasn't that tough), but that they couldn't give me more than 7 hours so I said that today (thursday) was goign to be my last shift. She asked me if I was going to give notice to which I informed her that it hasn't been three months and that I wasn't required to by law.
Then she proceeds to tell me that they are short staffed and all I could think was then why are you only giving me 7 hours a week when I am capable of working more. Sean is under the impression that they were squeezing me out because I am pregnant and they didn't want the liability of have me work for them. So they did it in a way that I really can't do anything about it. I was really upset about the whole situation and thought that they were above this kind of treatment and had hoped that I had found a company that was baove this kind of treaatment.
Well that's enough of the vent. See ya next time..
Wednesday I got to work and noticed that they have taken away my day shift that we needed for me to make the fact that I went to work worthwhile. I was then informed that I was not going to be given another day to make up for that. I then went into my shift on Thursday and told them that 7 hours a week was not worthe the hassle and the effect on my kids for me to come into work. I was informed that they liked the way I worked and that I pick up the job really well (it was M&M meats it wasn't that tough), but that they couldn't give me more than 7 hours so I said that today (thursday) was goign to be my last shift. She asked me if I was going to give notice to which I informed her that it hasn't been three months and that I wasn't required to by law.
Then she proceeds to tell me that they are short staffed and all I could think was then why are you only giving me 7 hours a week when I am capable of working more. Sean is under the impression that they were squeezing me out because I am pregnant and they didn't want the liability of have me work for them. So they did it in a way that I really can't do anything about it. I was really upset about the whole situation and thought that they were above this kind of treatment and had hoped that I had found a company that was baove this kind of treaatment.
Well that's enough of the vent. See ya next time..
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Update from the House of Sands!!!
My life these days has been pretty boring. I get up and deal with the kids all day. Take Michaela to dance class on tuesdays. I try not to feel to sick all the time. I am about to end my first trimester and head into my second so hopefully I start to feel better soon, but if my other kids are any indication that won't be happening. Thank goodness for pop and diclectin.
Logan has been starting to act out more these days. I don't know if that's because he is in his terrible 2's or if he senses something is know how sensitive kids can be. It's almost like he has 2 personalities. One we call Lolo..sweet and fun and funny and loving and just a pleasure to be around. Lolo has the sweetes smile that could light up any room that he enters. The other we call Ogar...well that pretty much explains the behaviour there..OGARISH!!!!!! NASTY and ONRY and down right MISERABLE!!!! Ogar has the most ear piercing scream and cry that I have ever heard. We never know which one we are going be facing from one minute to the next. Funny how there can be 2 totally different people in one cute little boy.
Michaela, well she is coming into her own personality. She has been starting to show mre initiative but also more attittude and lippiness. But what can you expect from a three going on 15 year old. She has friend that is her same preschool and they have formed this bond that is pretty strong for their age. It is nice to see that she is able to make friends so easily. But the other day at preschool they embraced and kissed. Now I don't know if I need to be concerned that they are showing this kind of affection. I don't remember being that affectionate with my friends. So i think that I need to sit her down and expalin that there are certain kinds of affection that is not appropriate. Or maybe I just need to chalk it up to a 3 and 4 year olds friendship and leave it there and see what happens. I know that kids are prone to kiss each other, but that doesn't make the shock of seeing it happen any less shocking.
I am trying to find the energy and the time to do my house work and my bookkeeping business and my parttime job and take care of my family It seems that tese things take all my time and I don't seem to have any time for myself or hanging with my friends and just finding the time to be me. The house work suffers so i feel that I am living in a pig stye. Sean tells me that I need to ask for more help and that if I ask him to do things he will just do them. So I guess I just need to rely on him more and maybe things will end up getting done around here.
Other than that there is nothing much going in the House of Sands these days...Michaela has graduated from her first year of preschool and they are having a Carnival on her last day on friday so that will be fun. the kids are also in swimming lessons and Michaela is in her first unparented class and seeming to do very well (which doesn't surprise me at all...she's extremely bright for a 3 year old).
Enough rambling for now, just thought that I would give you an update on all the happenings and unhappenings in our little house.
Until next time..Keep fit and have fun!
Logan has been starting to act out more these days. I don't know if that's because he is in his terrible 2's or if he senses something is know how sensitive kids can be. It's almost like he has 2 personalities. One we call Lolo..sweet and fun and funny and loving and just a pleasure to be around. Lolo has the sweetes smile that could light up any room that he enters. The other we call Ogar...well that pretty much explains the behaviour there..OGARISH!!!!!! NASTY and ONRY and down right MISERABLE!!!! Ogar has the most ear piercing scream and cry that I have ever heard. We never know which one we are going be facing from one minute to the next. Funny how there can be 2 totally different people in one cute little boy.
Michaela, well she is coming into her own personality. She has been starting to show mre initiative but also more attittude and lippiness. But what can you expect from a three going on 15 year old. She has friend that is her same preschool and they have formed this bond that is pretty strong for their age. It is nice to see that she is able to make friends so easily. But the other day at preschool they embraced and kissed. Now I don't know if I need to be concerned that they are showing this kind of affection. I don't remember being that affectionate with my friends. So i think that I need to sit her down and expalin that there are certain kinds of affection that is not appropriate. Or maybe I just need to chalk it up to a 3 and 4 year olds friendship and leave it there and see what happens. I know that kids are prone to kiss each other, but that doesn't make the shock of seeing it happen any less shocking.
I am trying to find the energy and the time to do my house work and my bookkeeping business and my parttime job and take care of my family It seems that tese things take all my time and I don't seem to have any time for myself or hanging with my friends and just finding the time to be me. The house work suffers so i feel that I am living in a pig stye. Sean tells me that I need to ask for more help and that if I ask him to do things he will just do them. So I guess I just need to rely on him more and maybe things will end up getting done around here.
Other than that there is nothing much going in the House of Sands these days...Michaela has graduated from her first year of preschool and they are having a Carnival on her last day on friday so that will be fun. the kids are also in swimming lessons and Michaela is in her first unparented class and seeming to do very well (which doesn't surprise me at all...she's extremely bright for a 3 year old).
Enough rambling for now, just thought that I would give you an update on all the happenings and unhappenings in our little house.
Until next time..Keep fit and have fun!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thanks Michelle
1. Do you like blue cheese? Can't stand the stuff!!!
2. Have you ever smoked? yeah in grade 7..stupidest thing ever!
3. Do you own a gun? not me but Sean has 2 rifles..little hunter Sean
4. What flavor Kool Aid is your favorite? cherry
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointment? depends on why I am going, but not like I used to..having kids will do that to you.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Only around a campfire followed by s'mores
7. Favorite Christmas movie? The original "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? It has to be water for my medication then milk or OJ
9. Can you do push ups? used to want to be able to do them again post pregnancy!
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I don't really wear jewlery. I always forget to put it on
11. Favorite hobby? Photography
12. Do you have A.D.D.? no
13. What's your weight? Not on your life am I answering that..besides I think it's healthy not to know!
14. Middle name? LaRae
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. 3 thoughts? what am i thinking about? Oh what's the next question.
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, Diet pepsi, cranberry juice
17. Current worry? I really need to get our budget done!
18. Current hate right now? my messy house
19. Favorite place to be? with my family...mainly Sean
20. How did you bring in the New Year? Stayed home
21. Where would you like to go? Gay Ole Paris
22. Name three people who will complete this? Sarah, Jessica and Heather
23. Do you own slippers? Nope
24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Red
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I prefer mt sateen sheets.
26. Can you whistle? yep
27. Favorite color? don't really have one!
28. Would you be a pirate? Not sure
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower never have never will
30. Favorite Girl's Name? Michaela
31. Favorite boy's name? I should say Logan, and even though I LOVE it, it is not my favourite..Mine is Talon
32. What's in your pocket right now? nothing -- Don't have pockets in my jammies
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Moomy..I think that I am hungry...This was said AFTER Michaela ate 12 meatballs
34. Best bed sheets as a child? plain or flowers
35. Worst injury you've ever had? broken collar bone..twice the same one!
36. Do you love where you live? sometimes!
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2..3 if you count the projector used for movies and sporting events!
38. Who is your loudest friend? Louise and I LOVE her for it!!!
39. How many dogs do you have? 2
40. Does someone have a crush on you? Well Sean for sure!!!
41. What is your favorite book? Anything Mary Higgins Clark and I LOVE The Witching Hour (Anne Rice) and of course Anne of Green Gables!
42. What is your favorite candy? Licorice not the red crapt...but true BLACK Licorice!!
43. Favorite Sports Team? Flames
44. What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't even want to thin about that at the moment!
2. Have you ever smoked? yeah in grade 7..stupidest thing ever!
3. Do you own a gun? not me but Sean has 2 rifles..little hunter Sean
4. What flavor Kool Aid is your favorite? cherry
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointment? depends on why I am going, but not like I used to..having kids will do that to you.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Only around a campfire followed by s'mores
7. Favorite Christmas movie? The original "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? It has to be water for my medication then milk or OJ
9. Can you do push ups? used to want to be able to do them again post pregnancy!
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I don't really wear jewlery. I always forget to put it on
11. Favorite hobby? Photography
12. Do you have A.D.D.? no
13. What's your weight? Not on your life am I answering that..besides I think it's healthy not to know!
14. Middle name? LaRae
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. 3 thoughts? what am i thinking about? Oh what's the next question.
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, Diet pepsi, cranberry juice
17. Current worry? I really need to get our budget done!
18. Current hate right now? my messy house
19. Favorite place to be? with my family...mainly Sean
20. How did you bring in the New Year? Stayed home
21. Where would you like to go? Gay Ole Paris
22. Name three people who will complete this? Sarah, Jessica and Heather
23. Do you own slippers? Nope
24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Red
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I prefer mt sateen sheets.
26. Can you whistle? yep
27. Favorite color? don't really have one!
28. Would you be a pirate? Not sure
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower never have never will
30. Favorite Girl's Name? Michaela
31. Favorite boy's name? I should say Logan, and even though I LOVE it, it is not my favourite..Mine is Talon
32. What's in your pocket right now? nothing -- Don't have pockets in my jammies
33. Last thing that made you laugh? Moomy..I think that I am hungry...This was said AFTER Michaela ate 12 meatballs
34. Best bed sheets as a child? plain or flowers
35. Worst injury you've ever had? broken collar bone..twice the same one!
36. Do you love where you live? sometimes!
37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2..3 if you count the projector used for movies and sporting events!
38. Who is your loudest friend? Louise and I LOVE her for it!!!
39. How many dogs do you have? 2
40. Does someone have a crush on you? Well Sean for sure!!!
41. What is your favorite book? Anything Mary Higgins Clark and I LOVE The Witching Hour (Anne Rice) and of course Anne of Green Gables!
42. What is your favorite candy? Licorice not the red crapt...but true BLACK Licorice!!
43. Favorite Sports Team? Flames
44. What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't even want to thin about that at the moment!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Playing catch up...
So I had my first ultra sound this morning to figure out how far along I am. I am 10 weeks on the nose and much to my relief only having ONE baby. I always said that this was my last pregnancy and if i was supposed to have more than 3 kids then I would need to have them in this pregnancy. So I thought that I may have invited something that I didn't really want to deal with. So I am REALLY relieved that one is enough.
Anyways....the baby is active and I can't believe how small right now. I haven't had an ultra sound this early before so it was interesting.
Not much else is going on. I have been feeling really sick and tired and very gassy. My doctor put me on diclectin for my upset stomach and I hope that it doesn't make me too tired.
I will fill you in on all the news soon as I haven't reallt had time to think about things let alone write about them.
Anyways....the baby is active and I can't believe how small right now. I haven't had an ultra sound this early before so it was interesting.
Not much else is going on. I have been feeling really sick and tired and very gassy. My doctor put me on diclectin for my upset stomach and I hope that it doesn't make me too tired.
I will fill you in on all the news soon as I haven't reallt had time to think about things let alone write about them.
Friday, May 09, 2008
So I had a problem with my computer this week and so I haven't been able to to anything, but we went and got a new one and so I am back up and running. I will fill you in on my week later...I am off to pick Michaela from preschool and do some grocery shopping and hope that Sean's paycheque will stretch as far as we need it to this next couple of weeks.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
A little history and a question
You know I never have the chance of "hiding" a pregnancy until I am ready to announce it. I am one of these women that show right away. I have always envied these women that never show until they are well into their second trimester. My body chsnges and it is known that I am prengant right from the beginging. So I am ery aware of my body changes very early on. I go through all 9 months uncomfortable and "fat" and all the fun stuff that usually comes with the last few months of pregnancy. When I was pregnant with Michaela I was in maternity clothes the first month. and I just gor bigger and bigger until I was so big that I had siatica problems and could barley take 5 steps without being in excuritaing pain. She sure did a number on me and I hope that this pregnancy (although as per usual I am ALREADY showing) is easier than her's. Logan's was easier on me but I still end up gaining a ton of weight and already look like I am 3 months pregnant.
I can't help but start to think of this baby's delivery. I had SOOOOOO many problems with Michaela that an emergency c-section was inevitable and so as I got pregnant with Logan so soon after, another c-section it was with him. I have waited the required 2 years and indiated by my doctor so he said that a natural birth could be in the cards..however, I don't want to go through the labour just to have to anothe c-section.
Micha was 11 days overdue and then on top of that I had to be induced twice (the second time with a double dose) and it still took hours before I went into labour. My water broke and still no signs of her wanting to enter this world. I ended up pushing for almost 12 hours to no avail, she was stuck on my pelvic bone, hadn't turned I wasn't dialting, and was just having a horrible experince. But it wasn't until I had 20 other people in my room that I knew something was wrong. But really no one was telling me. But from the time I was told that an emergency c-section was happening to the time she was born was 20 minutes. I was glad at that point to have it all over with. Later (a year later) my mom actually told me how serious it all actually was. Micha's heart rate had gone dangerously high and my blood pressure dropped dangerously low (which explains why I spent so much time in recovery in shock). In fact mom told me that my doctor was furious with the nurse for waiting so long to call him in. Needless to say she wrecked me and it took me a long time to recover from it. In fact it wasn't until Logan was a year that I started to feel better from it all.
So I am nervous about the idea of a natural birth because of all the complications that I have had. If I do decide to have a natural birth I am going to make a point that I WILL NOT go as long as I did with Michaela if nothing is happening. It is too hard on your body to go through labour and then have c-section on top of it all. Doing one is hard enough just imagine both especially when your life and the life of your baby hang in the balance.
So what would you do in my situation..just forget about having a natural birth on the chance that you will have to same complications (cause they can't guarantee that you won't) or just go for it and hope for the best and have a natural birth?
I can't help but start to think of this baby's delivery. I had SOOOOOO many problems with Michaela that an emergency c-section was inevitable and so as I got pregnant with Logan so soon after, another c-section it was with him. I have waited the required 2 years and indiated by my doctor so he said that a natural birth could be in the cards..however, I don't want to go through the labour just to have to anothe c-section.
Micha was 11 days overdue and then on top of that I had to be induced twice (the second time with a double dose) and it still took hours before I went into labour. My water broke and still no signs of her wanting to enter this world. I ended up pushing for almost 12 hours to no avail, she was stuck on my pelvic bone, hadn't turned I wasn't dialting, and was just having a horrible experince. But it wasn't until I had 20 other people in my room that I knew something was wrong. But really no one was telling me. But from the time I was told that an emergency c-section was happening to the time she was born was 20 minutes. I was glad at that point to have it all over with. Later (a year later) my mom actually told me how serious it all actually was. Micha's heart rate had gone dangerously high and my blood pressure dropped dangerously low (which explains why I spent so much time in recovery in shock). In fact mom told me that my doctor was furious with the nurse for waiting so long to call him in. Needless to say she wrecked me and it took me a long time to recover from it. In fact it wasn't until Logan was a year that I started to feel better from it all.
So I am nervous about the idea of a natural birth because of all the complications that I have had. If I do decide to have a natural birth I am going to make a point that I WILL NOT go as long as I did with Michaela if nothing is happening. It is too hard on your body to go through labour and then have c-section on top of it all. Doing one is hard enough just imagine both especially when your life and the life of your baby hang in the balance.
So what would you do in my situation..just forget about having a natural birth on the chance that you will have to same complications (cause they can't guarantee that you won't) or just go for it and hope for the best and have a natural birth?
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Well..I guess you have waited long enough...
There are lots of things going on here that I really don't know where to start.
First let me say that our weekend away was nice and relaxing and invigorating. It was just what we needed and we have now decided that we are going to try for an us weekend at least 2 times a year.
1) Sean's mom is getting a divorce and talk has been that she is going to move in with us..which I don't want unless there are separate living quarters all together. She won't consider living on her own, but I think that Sean is going to have to put his foot down and tell her that she can move into one of the townhouses that are for sale 2 blocks away from us and that will be close enough.
2) Brooke wants to stay with us more than every other weekend so we are excited that we are going to get her for the least that is the plan right now.
3) Sean is about to write his apprenticeship exam and has been studying up a storm. Hopefully he can get his marks back in time for May registration for September classes. He is loving his job and where he works. They have been giving him lots of responsibility and he thrives on that. It's nice to have him come home happy.
4) And if all that weren't enough.....we are expecting our third in December. Poor kid. Logan may have a hard time with it since he won't be the baby anymore AND the new baby is due 3 days after his third birthday.
So there you have it our life in a nutshell. Lots of changes some good some not so good. But we will endure and persevere.
First let me say that our weekend away was nice and relaxing and invigorating. It was just what we needed and we have now decided that we are going to try for an us weekend at least 2 times a year.
1) Sean's mom is getting a divorce and talk has been that she is going to move in with us..which I don't want unless there are separate living quarters all together. She won't consider living on her own, but I think that Sean is going to have to put his foot down and tell her that she can move into one of the townhouses that are for sale 2 blocks away from us and that will be close enough.
2) Brooke wants to stay with us more than every other weekend so we are excited that we are going to get her for the least that is the plan right now.
3) Sean is about to write his apprenticeship exam and has been studying up a storm. Hopefully he can get his marks back in time for May registration for September classes. He is loving his job and where he works. They have been giving him lots of responsibility and he thrives on that. It's nice to have him come home happy.
4) And if all that weren't enough.....we are expecting our third in December. Poor kid. Logan may have a hard time with it since he won't be the baby anymore AND the new baby is due 3 days after his third birthday.
So there you have it our life in a nutshell. Lots of changes some good some not so good. But we will endure and persevere.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Weekend and well..stay tuned....
Sean is whisking me away this weekend. We are heading to Fairmont for some well deserve R and R. We have been caught up in the rat race and so this will a chance for us to reconnect and have some time with no kids and some good friends.
Micha had her first day pf preschool since the spring break today and her preschool has undergone some major change. The major one that I am concerned about is that they changed the teachers. Micha is not one that adapts well to change and I warned the new teachers that she may be difficult today and she was. But not as bad as I had thought. I am just going to have to keep a close eye on her progress and if I am not as satisfied with it in the last 2 months of school as I have been in the beginning of her school year then I will be finding a different preschool for her to be going to. Which is too bad because she has made some really good friends this year, but that doesn't mean that she won't be able to see them again. Micha makes friends where ever she goes, a talent that I wish that I had.
There are some exciting changes going on in our family and I will fill you in on them a little later...but in the mean time..stay tuned for all the excitement.
Micha had her first day pf preschool since the spring break today and her preschool has undergone some major change. The major one that I am concerned about is that they changed the teachers. Micha is not one that adapts well to change and I warned the new teachers that she may be difficult today and she was. But not as bad as I had thought. I am just going to have to keep a close eye on her progress and if I am not as satisfied with it in the last 2 months of school as I have been in the beginning of her school year then I will be finding a different preschool for her to be going to. Which is too bad because she has made some really good friends this year, but that doesn't mean that she won't be able to see them again. Micha makes friends where ever she goes, a talent that I wish that I had.
There are some exciting changes going on in our family and I will fill you in on them a little later...but in the mean time..stay tuned for all the excitement.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Micha's dance recital
Michaela has been in dance the last few weeks and has really enjoyed it. Today was their last class and so they had a recital to show off what they have learnt. I really enjoyed watching her dance and twirl and struggle with the difference between a gallop and a skip. (both ended up being a gallop). She really has taken to the idea of dance and so I guess I am going to have a little dancer on my hands. I guess I need to get her signed up for the next set of lessons.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I took the kids to Wal-Mart this morning to do our grocery shopping and was pleasantly surprised by how well they behaved while in the grocery section. Anyways, I need to get a new chain for my necklace and went to the jewlery section to look for one, well Michaela found that one of the TV's was playing CARS....and pointed it out to Logan and FYI Logan is ALL about CARS. To say he LOVES it is an understatement. After not finding what I was looking for, I took my cart full of groceries and was heading to the till, well Logan didn't want to go he was glued to the movie so I had to go and pick him up, well that just started a whole scene. Screaming and yelling and all that fun stuff. Now usually I just pick up the kids and we leave but we were so close to the finish line that I needed to finish our outing. So I chose my line and waited for our turn all the while Logan is screaming and the Old couple in fromt of us were glaring, I tend to ignore these glances because they are just being ignorant. Well the glares did not stop there, they were making their own little snide comments which for the most part I choose to ignore until the lady said that they were acting this way becasue they get their own way at home. Well that was the last straw and I went off on her. Basically people have no right to say things like that (especially so that the parents can hear). If you can't handle the noise that kids make realize that it is not fun for the parents either and keep your opinions to yourself. They have no idea the situation that brought on the tantrum or how we deal with the kids at home and for them to make such a blantantly RUDE and totally uncalled for remark as that one they were just asking for trouble. Parents have all the right to defend themselves and their kids against ignorant people such as that, so just be prepared for the backlash if you choose to be ignorant.
Well luckily for this lady, (because I had both barrels loaded and ready to go) a manager came and asked me if I would prefer to be served at another til (they were opening one up for me) because I didn't need to be treated in such a manner and said that people have no right to make comments like that. So to her I am thankful.
Kids have tantrums and it doesn't matter if they get their own way at home or not, that is just the nature of kids..they will try and really...if I don't give into them in public am I really going to give into them at home?
Well luckily for this lady, (because I had both barrels loaded and ready to go) a manager came and asked me if I would prefer to be served at another til (they were opening one up for me) because I didn't need to be treated in such a manner and said that people have no right to make comments like that. So to her I am thankful.
Kids have tantrums and it doesn't matter if they get their own way at home or not, that is just the nature of kids..they will try and really...if I don't give into them in public am I really going to give into them at home?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
An ounce of the mundane
It has been bought to my attention that I have been negligant in my blogging and facebooking duties. I apoligize for that, I have been preoccupied with other things and really not quite feeling like myself. it is hard to explain, but I am feeling in a rut and not really wanting to do anything. I have been tying to at the moment focus on the work that I have piled up in front of me not really wanting to tackle it, but knowing that I must! I have just been going through the motions without the desire to do what I need to.
So as soon as I feel more like myself and not so blah (I can't even think of a word to describe how I am feeling) I will have an amazing post for you!
In the meantime if you have any suggestion that ay be helpful for me and my predicament feel free to leave one.
So as soon as I feel more like myself and not so blah (I can't even think of a word to describe how I am feeling) I will have an amazing post for you!
In the meantime if you have any suggestion that ay be helpful for me and my predicament feel free to leave one.
Monday, January 14, 2008
New addition....
Well..for awhile now we have been thinking of adding another member to our family and so yesterday we went and did it. No it's not a baby..although I want one of those in the near future...we went and got a puppy. He is a Lab/Retriever cross and we named him Magnus. What a bundle of energy and it has been deemed my responsibility to house break him. Well it only makes sense since I am home with him all day. We've been having some small successes but some big set backs. But all in all so far it has been a joy to have him in our family. The kids took to him right away although this morning they were scared of him and wouldn't get off the couch. Michaela has since started to brush him and so that's a good sign. And even our other dog Kutcha has taken a shine to him so he has quickly become the newst member in our family.
So without any further he is Magnus!!!!

So without any further he is Magnus!!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
and she broke her crown...
So the other evening I had just finished checking on the kids and found Logan in another one of his funny sleeping postitions and decided to head down the stairs to tell Sean about it and have him go and chck it out. Well have 2 flights of stairs that lead up to out third floor and as I rounded the landing and started making my way down the last flight when all of a sudden my feet slipped out from under me and down I went. Yep that's right folks I fell down the stairs. I slid all the way down and took a picture with me. Well I instantly hurt and I knew that come morning I was going to have the biggest bruise on my butt that was ever seen. You see..I bruise like a peach. Sean could just poke my arm with his finger and...there it is a bruise. So I knew one was coming..but I was completely ill prepared for the size and colour of the thing. As I will NOT be posting a picture (I know that you are ALL upset about that)...just imagine the deepest purple that you can imagine and have it cover one side of your butt. I will tell still hurts to sit and lay down.
Well Sean rushed to my aid and I know from that gleam in his eyes that he was fighting the urge NOT to laugh at me. I swear I heard him laughing later while I was upstairs and he was downstairs..the cheeky monkey.
Well my story doesn't end there. I was vaccuming the living room yesterday and bent down to get the edges around the door that goes to the basement and I hit my head on the key that is sticking out of the doorknob. So I have a bruised head and a bruised butt. So yeah I have been alittle accident prone the last couple of days and I just hope that nothing else happens today cause I really don't know what else I can bruise.
Well Sean rushed to my aid and I know from that gleam in his eyes that he was fighting the urge NOT to laugh at me. I swear I heard him laughing later while I was upstairs and he was downstairs..the cheeky monkey.
Well my story doesn't end there. I was vaccuming the living room yesterday and bent down to get the edges around the door that goes to the basement and I hit my head on the key that is sticking out of the doorknob. So I have a bruised head and a bruised butt. So yeah I have been alittle accident prone the last couple of days and I just hope that nothing else happens today cause I really don't know what else I can bruise.
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