The House of Sands
A Look at the Craziness that is our Lives
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Time to get this back up and running
Wait around to see waht has been happening in the Sanderosn house hold.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Time....where oh where have you gone
This summer sure went by without us even knowing that it was even around. I started a dayhome and had 2 kids over the summer, however their mom was laid off so I am back to looking for more kids to watch. We were able to go camping one weekend this summer but then life got busy and we didn't have a chance to go again. I got season's passes for Calaway Park this year and we went a few times. Well worth the money spent so that is a definate must next year too. We had Brooke for the summer and she decided that she wanted to live with us permanately so we have a new addition to our family which we are all extactic about. However we are all adjusting to having a teenager living in the house. But things are getting easier and easier for all of us. Michaela had the hardest time adjusting becasue she was used to being the oldest and now she's not. She even told Brooke. "I used to be the oldest and you took that away from me". But even with that she's getting used to the idea. They are all growing up so fast. Sean is teaching Brooke how to drive. She's excited about getting her learners. The first time she went driving she was lucky enough to be able to follow a baby moose. Freaked her out a bit but Sean was able to teach her what to do and how to keep calm. The kids started school the end of August and they sure are loving it.
Michaela and Logan are in French Immersion at Ecole Edwards and loving it. Michaela's in grade one and has Mme Trout and is first to say " NO she's NOT a fish".
Logan has Mme Astrom and even though he won't admit it he likes her. You can tell by the sly look on his face. Michaela is already writting a lot of french and Logan is learning to speak it. It is amazing to see how much they've learnt so early in the year.
Brooke is in grade 10 yes that's right we have a high schooler in our house. She was nervous at first but she's made a bunch of new friends. She's enjoying most of her classes and she really has a talent for art (much like her father).
We did family pictures this year. I was able to get Sean to take a few pictures with us, and for those that know Sean know how big of an accomplishment that really is. He HATES his picture taken.
Michaela had her 6th birthday this year abd she wanted to go to Calaway Park so she got to invite a friend and we went to Calaway Park. The kids had a ton of fun on the rides and the Park was all decked out for Halloween. I have been working out like a mad woman. I have completed P90X twice and am one week shy of completing Insanity. Now I have to figure out what I am going to do next. Maybe a combination of the 2. I have noticed big results and have started just recently to feel better about myself. I know there has been more but for now that is the important stuff

Michaela had her 6th birthday this year abd she wanted to go to Calaway Park so she got to invite a friend and we went to Calaway Park. The kids had a ton of fun on the rides and the Park was all decked out for Halloween. I have been working out like a mad woman. I have completed P90X twice and am one week shy of completing Insanity. Now I have to figure out what I am going to do next. Maybe a combination of the 2. I have noticed big results and have started just recently to feel better about myself. I know there has been more but for now that is the important stuff
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Here's a thought for you.
If you were to be privliged enough to have the ghosts of you past present and future visit you I wonder what your thoughts would be.
Would you have any regrets with decisions that you made in the past?
Would you love the life that you are living in the present and are you living it to its fullest?
What things would you change in you present to make you future better?
But most importantly would you make ammends for past mistakes, live life like you enjoy it and have the courage enough to make changes to make your future what you dreamn it would be?
If you were to be privliged enough to have the ghosts of you past present and future visit you I wonder what your thoughts would be.
Would you have any regrets with decisions that you made in the past?
Would you love the life that you are living in the present and are you living it to its fullest?
What things would you change in you present to make you future better?
But most importantly would you make ammends for past mistakes, live life like you enjoy it and have the courage enough to make changes to make your future what you dreamn it would be?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Just to be fair to Sean, I just thought that I should clear something up. Yes, I wish that he wasn't going down this road, I think that this is something that he has to do to get to where he needs to be. A little off the straight and narrow but still leads there in a round about way. The biggest problem that I have is that I wish I didn't have such an issue with it and really I don't know why I do. I let it consume me and it really shouldn't because in the grand scheme of things it really is a minute detail. He comes home to me every night, loves me, takes care of me, tries to never deny me anything (will always try to find a way to make things happen), works his butt off to provide for the family, I have fun with him and we have fun together, we laugh together, talk about anything and everything. He is the biggest and best part of my life. So for some people his issues would be the end of things but for me it is just another challenge to help me be a stronger person.
I am disappointed in his choices not in him.
I am disappointed in his choices not in him.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Michaela was invited to a birthday party for a girl in her class. They had it at Airdrie Edge Gymnastics club, looked like a ton of fun. The little girl that it was for asked for no presents, but a small donation for the Red Cross to send to Haiti. Now I thought that was really sweet. But my question much of that is HER and how much of that is Parental influence? How many 6 year olds do YOU know that think like that? I know that there are a few here and there and you hear about them from time to time but really it IS a rarity. How much would YOU influnece your kids to do something like that? What would YOU promise your child they would get if they did this? How much of it is just fro show and how much of it is genuine? These questions are among some of the ones that have been going thru my head since Micha got the invite for this party. What are YOUR thoughts?
Friday, January 22, 2010
A little This and That
I have been afraid to write for awhile as many people I know have been verbally "attacked" by a cowardly annonymus commentor on their blog. I say that if you don't have the guts or balls to leave your name then you don't deserve to comment.
- Anyway I have been having a rough go these past few months wondering if motherhood really IS the best job there is. It definately is the HARDEST. But lately my kids have been giving me a run for my money. Love'em to bits but sometimes I wish i could really just get away from it all.
- I have been having a hard time dealing some choices that Sean has been making. It is tough when the love of your life, best friend making bad choices. Hard when you know the true person they are and they try to be someone different. Hard when they think the person they are "showing" the world is the real them and you know different. Hard to know they still believe and have a testimony, but hide it. Hard because our arguements are always the same. I wish that I could really make him see how I feel about it instead of having the same arguement all the time. I just don't know what it would take to do it. I want him to stop drinking partly because it upsets me but mostly beacuse he is a diabetic and SHOULDN'T be drinking PERIOD. I love him and want to keep him around for a long time.
- I have been working out like a mad woman,, doing the P90X challenge, so I should be getting buff here in a few weeks. This time around is my second go at it. The first time I did the lean routine and lost a bunch of inches, so after a few attempts at starting it again I am now commited to doing the classic routine. I am looking forward to seeing awesome resluts. I may even go as far as posting before and after pics, that is if I am brave enough.
- Micha is LOVING french emmersion and I am looking forward to enrolling Logan in the same school on Monday. The cut off here is Feb so he, being a Dec baby will be one of the youngest in his class, but he is SO ready for it. Should prove to be interesting. I just hope that I am lucky enough to be able to enroll him in the AM class.
that's it for now I will fill you in on more happenings later when I am not so tired and worn out.
- Anyway I have been having a rough go these past few months wondering if motherhood really IS the best job there is. It definately is the HARDEST. But lately my kids have been giving me a run for my money. Love'em to bits but sometimes I wish i could really just get away from it all.
- I have been having a hard time dealing some choices that Sean has been making. It is tough when the love of your life, best friend making bad choices. Hard when you know the true person they are and they try to be someone different. Hard when they think the person they are "showing" the world is the real them and you know different. Hard to know they still believe and have a testimony, but hide it. Hard because our arguements are always the same. I wish that I could really make him see how I feel about it instead of having the same arguement all the time. I just don't know what it would take to do it. I want him to stop drinking partly because it upsets me but mostly beacuse he is a diabetic and SHOULDN'T be drinking PERIOD. I love him and want to keep him around for a long time.
- I have been working out like a mad woman,, doing the P90X challenge, so I should be getting buff here in a few weeks. This time around is my second go at it. The first time I did the lean routine and lost a bunch of inches, so after a few attempts at starting it again I am now commited to doing the classic routine. I am looking forward to seeing awesome resluts. I may even go as far as posting before and after pics, that is if I am brave enough.
- Micha is LOVING french emmersion and I am looking forward to enrolling Logan in the same school on Monday. The cut off here is Feb so he, being a Dec baby will be one of the youngest in his class, but he is SO ready for it. Should prove to be interesting. I just hope that I am lucky enough to be able to enroll him in the AM class.
that's it for now I will fill you in on more happenings later when I am not so tired and worn out.
Friday, July 24, 2009
So far this summer...
There really hasn't been much going on in the life of the Sandersons this summer.
Hunter is growing like a weed. He is my biggest baby...which really isn't saying much as all my babies have been small. But he is reaching those milestones at an earlier age than the other 2. I thought that Micha was early but Hunter beat her by 2 week with crawling, 2 months for the teeth and 1 month for starting to climb those stairs. He is trying to wrestle with Micha and Lolo and it is really cute to watch him interact with them. He sure feels as if he has a lot to prove being the baby of the family.
He had his MRI a couple weeks ago and the results are in. First let me tell you that it was not a fun experience holding him when they were giving him the gas to put him under and an even more unpleasant experience to lift his lifeless body and carry him from my lap on the chair to the bed, and then to have to leave him there. Yes folks I was a weepy mess.
But on to the results they said that there is nothing nuerologically wrong with him so that is a good thing, but I have an appointment scheduled with his pediatrician anyways to see if there is another reaason for the abnormality and if there is something that can be done about it. Oh and I am also going to get his hearing tested. Sean thinks that I am worried about nothing, but his responses to sound are so unconsistent that I am concerned, but like I tell him, I would rather be concerned and it turn out to be nothing, that not worried and it be something.
Oh and he is still pukey so I think that it is time to call a chiropractor and see of there is something that they can do to help. I can tell where Hunter has been in the house by the trails of puke that I find. So I thought that it is worth a try for sure.
We got new neighbours on either side of us. So far I have only seen each them once and both seem to totally keep to themselves.
Here are some photos of Hunter that I thought that you would enjoy.

Hunter is growing like a weed. He is my biggest baby...which really isn't saying much as all my babies have been small. But he is reaching those milestones at an earlier age than the other 2. I thought that Micha was early but Hunter beat her by 2 week with crawling, 2 months for the teeth and 1 month for starting to climb those stairs. He is trying to wrestle with Micha and Lolo and it is really cute to watch him interact with them. He sure feels as if he has a lot to prove being the baby of the family.
He had his MRI a couple weeks ago and the results are in. First let me tell you that it was not a fun experience holding him when they were giving him the gas to put him under and an even more unpleasant experience to lift his lifeless body and carry him from my lap on the chair to the bed, and then to have to leave him there. Yes folks I was a weepy mess.
But on to the results they said that there is nothing nuerologically wrong with him so that is a good thing, but I have an appointment scheduled with his pediatrician anyways to see if there is another reaason for the abnormality and if there is something that can be done about it. Oh and I am also going to get his hearing tested. Sean thinks that I am worried about nothing, but his responses to sound are so unconsistent that I am concerned, but like I tell him, I would rather be concerned and it turn out to be nothing, that not worried and it be something.
Oh and he is still pukey so I think that it is time to call a chiropractor and see of there is something that they can do to help. I can tell where Hunter has been in the house by the trails of puke that I find. So I thought that it is worth a try for sure.
We got new neighbours on either side of us. So far I have only seen each them once and both seem to totally keep to themselves.
Here are some photos of Hunter that I thought that you would enjoy.
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