Hunter is growing like a weed. He is my biggest baby...which really isn't saying much as all my babies have been small. But he is reaching those milestones at an earlier age than the other 2. I thought that Micha was early but Hunter beat her by 2 week with crawling, 2 months for the teeth and 1 month for starting to climb those stairs. He is trying to wrestle with Micha and Lolo and it is really cute to watch him interact with them. He sure feels as if he has a lot to prove being the baby of the family.
He had his MRI a couple weeks ago and the results are in. First let me tell you that it was not a fun experience holding him when they were giving him the gas to put him under and an even more unpleasant experience to lift his lifeless body and carry him from my lap on the chair to the bed, and then to have to leave him there. Yes folks I was a weepy mess.
But on to the results they said that there is nothing nuerologically wrong with him so that is a good thing, but I have an appointment scheduled with his pediatrician anyways to see if there is another reaason for the abnormality and if there is something that can be done about it. Oh and I am also going to get his hearing tested. Sean thinks that I am worried about nothing, but his responses to sound are so unconsistent that I am concerned, but like I tell him, I would rather be concerned and it turn out to be nothing, that not worried and it be something.
Oh and he is still pukey so I think that it is time to call a chiropractor and see of there is something that they can do to help. I can tell where Hunter has been in the house by the trails of puke that I find. So I thought that it is worth a try for sure.
We got new neighbours on either side of us. So far I have only seen each them once and both seem to totally keep to themselves.
Here are some photos of Hunter that I thought that you would enjoy.
He is soooo cute! What a mix of both Mom and Dad.
What a cutie! I hope that you can figure everything out. Chiropracters are really great. Tanner goes and I can tell he is benefiting from it.
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