Early Sunday morning (at 6:30am) the alarm went off indicating that I should get up and get myself and the kids ready for our 8:00am church. (Yes, I said 8 am). We got to Church and proceeded to sit at our bench, everything started out nice the kids were behaving having their breakfast waiting for church to start. Then all H-E-double hockey sticks broke loose right in the middle of passing the Sacrament. Logan started to scream and wouldn't calm down. I HAD to take him out in the hall. So we spent the rest of Sacrament Meeting walking the halls, which to tell you the truth is where I spend most Sundays for all of Church--walking the halls. Anyways, Sacrament meeting ended and it was time to pack my things together and haul Logan and myself into Sunday school, while Sean took Michaela to Nursery. As I was making my way to our bench to get my things, I was stopped by a lady who told me that she would like to give me a hug. As she proceeded to give me that hug she said that she admired my strength and determination.
Then as I gathered my things together I overheard another lady praise my husband for how he dealt with Michaela while sitting in church. She made a comment to Michaela that she really kept her Daddy busy and tired him out. She then praised Sean for his determination and that it was good for us to be where we are.
If that wasn't enough, Sean had to leave early from church and it was just me and the kids, which doesn't give me a break from the boredom of walking the halls. During Sunday school, I had to take Michaela to the ladies room and needed to find someone to watch Logan as I took her. A brother in our ward known his LOVE of watching kids, offered and I did my task. I came back, and found that they were not in class. I left to look for them and I was told by this man to not worry and go and enjoy the rest of class and I did. Which was nice that I finally got to enjoy some part of Church.
So I would like to say THANK YOU to these people who really helped out in either word or deed. It helps when others notice your struggle and step into tell you that you are doing a good job and to keep it up.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
What the.....?
What kind of world do we live in that makes people hate so much? Why is it that society can not see the damage that we are inflicting on each other until it is too late? What can be done now? why do we have to pay such a high price before we realize that things need to change? What now?
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Potty Training
My daughter and I have been working on potty training for quite awhile now, and most days she knows what she is supposed to do. She LOVES the fact that she's a "big girl". Then there are the days when I want to throw in the towel and I wonder, is it really worth it? Those are the days that I seem to be more frustrated than usual and she picks up on that. It stems from being tired from the lack of sleep that I am getting at night and I seem to make her the vessel for my frustration. These are the days that I need to tell myself that this is her battle and she's not wetting her pants to make ME mad, she's just having a bad day. Now that is easier said then done, but the more I remind myself of that fact the easier it will be for both of us to conquer the big ol' potty.
Michaela has now encouraged Logan to use the potty . After she uses it, she gets Logan and wants him to sit on the potty. So now at 16 months Logan is now in the process of being potty trained. I think that with the encouragement of his older sister, Logan's transition from being a diaper wearing toddler to being a "big boy" will be a lot smoother. Anyways...Here's hoping.
Michaela has now encouraged Logan to use the potty . After she uses it, she gets Logan and wants him to sit on the potty. So now at 16 months Logan is now in the process of being potty trained. I think that with the encouragement of his older sister, Logan's transition from being a diaper wearing toddler to being a "big boy" will be a lot smoother. Anyways...Here's hoping.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Dress up anyone?

When did we start growing up? I look at my daughter and I try to think back to when I was in her age group. But unforunately I don't remember much from back then. But I am sure that I was much like her in many ways. Stubborn to a fault, Loving to all, playful and LOVE playing dress up.
Then I look at myself now and wonder if I have really changed THAT much. I am still stubborn and sometimes to a fault and I am loving to all my friends and family, although I could work more on loving those around me. But most of all I still LOVE to get dressed up. What is it about putting on a nice dress, doing your hair and make up that makes you feel like a princess?
So although my daughter likes to play dress up in her princess dress, am I any different when I put on my best and actually feel like one? You decide.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Going, Going......Gone

You know there are days, and I guess ALL mothers can attest to this, that you wouldn't mind selling your kids to the highest bidder. Problem is, on those days you wouldn't get very much for them, amidst their temper tantrums, bitting, hitting and all out disrespect. Then there are the days that you cherish all their "I love you's", kisses, hugs and the "Mom, you're the GREATEST!!!!". Now those are the days that I wish there were more of, but unfortunately they are not as abundant as the days you wish you could go back and try to remember why it was that you wanted kids in the first place. My mom keeps reminding me that I was the one who wanted kids, and I keep reminding her that yes I did, but NOT one like me, let alone two, that, I didn't ask for.
I am however reminded that if you teach the stubborn ones the right pth to follow, they will NEVER stray off that path. The trouble is, I have to deal with it until they know how to control it. I do have a great support, in my husband, who knows when I need a break and steps in and takes over. We seem to compliment each other that way.
Now I know that I can't sell my kids, I would miss them too much. But I will tell you that bedtime has slowly become my FAVOURITE time of the day......now I know you can agree with that.
Dora and other educational programs

What is it about TV that some parents are so against? If it wasn't for TV I wouldn't have any time to myself. Besides there are things that my kids learn from TV that I wouldn't be able to teach them. For example, my 2 year old can say hi in 5 languages, has had success with learning sign language, she also knows classical composers, artists and ALL her traditional musical instruments and what they sound like. Now, the sign language I could have taught her, but she learnt it much faster from Baby Einstein than I could've taught her. I just keep teaching her new signs and reinforcing the ones that she already knows. I started letting her watch TV when our son Logan came along and I needed her to do something other than pull on me while I was nursing him.
In my opinion there are MANY advantages to TV that I feel comfortable allowing my children to watch it. I don't even mind sitting down and watching certain programs with them. I DON'T however, allow myself to let it be a babysitter.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Finally Pictures of me I like!!!!!!!!

Well I thought that I would give you some information about myself. As you know I have two VERY active toddlers, one girl and one boy seperated only by 15 months (I don't know what I was thinking). In 2003 I married by best friend who I knew for 15 years. He said that he always knew that I was the one, he was just waiting for me to catch up.
When my active toddlers aren't keeping me busy, or when I'm not trying to catch up on the mounds of building housework, I can be found busy at work on my computer (I have an at home bookkeeping business). If I

I enjoy spending time with the family and we have family time once a week and really look forward to that time together that we get to reconnect. I do though, enjoy and look forward to the times that I get to curl up with a good book or have a hot bath and get away from the hustle and bustle of life with kids. I highly reccommend that ALL moms get to experience time to themselves to rediscover who they are and what they like to do.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Kids are funny. When they are first born they want all your attention all the time. Then they get alittle older and think that they know everything and don't want your attention unless it's when they want it and on their terms. They want hugs and kisses when they want and it seems they want them most when you are upset with them. They turn on their little charms and melt your heart with that "I'm sorry Mom" and then they kiss you cheek and you can't remember why you were upset with them in the first palce. Like I said they want your attention when they want it.
We have a daughter who is 2 1/2 going on 15 and a son

I came to realise that they are different and even in their young ages the differences are shinning through. My daughter Michaela (Micha) is VERY smart and has learnt sign language and although my son Logan (Lolo) is learning sign as well there is a difference in their comprehension and use. However Logan is able to do things that Michaela wasn't able to do at his age. Like I said you really can see differences in kids even from the time they are born.
Oh well Kids are funny. Don't you think?
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