Kids are funny. When they are first born they want all your attention all the time. Then they get alittle older and think that they know everything and don't want your attention unless it's when they want it and on their terms. They want hugs and kisses when they want and it seems they want them most when you are upset with them. They turn on their little charms and melt your heart with that "I'm sorry Mom" and then they kiss you cheek and you can't remember why you were upset with them in the first palce. Like I said they want your attention when they want it.
We have a daughter who is 2 1/2 going on 15 and a son

I came to realise that they are different and even in their young ages the differences are shinning through. My daughter Michaela (Micha) is VERY smart and has learnt sign language and although my son Logan (Lolo) is learning sign as well there is a difference in their comprehension and use. However Logan is able to do things that Michaela wasn't able to do at his age. Like I said you really can see differences in kids even from the time they are born.
Oh well Kids are funny. Don't you think?
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