Thursday, May 31, 2007


Lately, it's been a struggle to put Michaela down for a nap (quiet time) or bedtime. She will fight it to the bitter end. How I long for the days that all I would have to do is put her in her crib and leave the room. Now she wants me to read every book that she has in her room (some more than once). I love reading her stories, but I don't like spending all night in there reading when I could be spending time either on my own or with Sean.
We put a doorknob lock on her door in hopes to keep her in her room, but it didn't take her very long to figure that out. So now we need to figure out how to keep her in her room. We've tried letting her stay up to tire her out, but as soon as we say it's bedtime, the fight ensues again. I wish that bedtimes could go back to the way they used to be, when it was a joy putting her to bed and she was ready for it. Now I fear that she is turning into be more and more like me and that scares me in a way. But her stubbornness will also serve her well in her life, as long as she learns to harness it. For my sake I hope that comes sooner rather than later.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Some of my Favourites......

I just thought that I would just share a couple pictures that I just took that I really like. Logan is enjoying his first slurpee and Michaela...well...she's just VERY picture friendly.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Things I love about being a Mom....

So another Mother's Day has come and gone and I think about what it is that I like about being a mom. I like the little smiles and hugs that come from little faces and arms. Their arms may be small but they seem to find a way to envelope all of me. I like the I love you's, the giggles, wrestling, the unconditional love that follows them everywhere and seems to be for everyone. I like the fearlessness and the courage that seems to diminish with age. You know I also like the quiet times of the day when they are napping. I love the learning that never stops, the curiosity that fuels the learning. I also love turing around in the van and seeing them both sleeping and so peaceful that you wish the peace would last forever. But then they wake up and the love and learning start all over again.

Those are a few things that I love about being a mom!!!!! It is my blessing and I have two little angels that allow me to live my blessing every day and for that i am eternally grateful!!! So on this Mother's Day I would like to thank Michaela and Logan for choosing me to be their mother and guide through this mortal existance. I just pray that I can live up to the needs of these two precious little beings. I love you Micha and Lolo!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Things I just noticed

I have to admit that I never saw how smart my son really is. He's a quiet type of smart. He knows what he wants and where to go to get it. Just the other day I realized this and I was quite impressed with his brilliance. If he wants a snack he knows where to go to get one. If I ask him to get his things and go to bed, he gathers up his blanket and heads up the stairs to go to bed. If I ask him if he wants something like a sandwich for lunch, he will either nod or shake his head. If he is hurt he will tell me where it hurts. These are just a few things that he does that amaze me. Where Michaela has known her colours since she was just over a year and has spoken in complete sentences for as long as I can remember, she is more vocal about how smart she is. Now, that is not to say that she goes around a brags about how smart she is, she is too young for that. What I mean is, that the way she is smart is very noticeable and people comment on it all the time. Logan, on the other hand, flies under the radar and seems quite content to be the one in the shadows. Michaela loves the spotlight and lives for attention, where Logan will just sneak in quietly and play by himself and be quite happy with that.

He does though LOVE to copy his siter. If she does something like blow bubbles in the bath water, he's right there beside her blowing his own bubbles. I hope that Michaela will realize that even now she is an example to her brother and what a responsibility that is. I know that when she gets older she will be up for the challenge. She won't always realize the effect that her actions will have on her younger sibling, but she will always be under the microscope. It's not always fun, but it's the "blessing" of being the oldest.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

and the winner is.....

So the other day I decided to cut Logan's hair. I thought that it was getting too long. I couldn't see his beautiful blue eyes and it was just looking messy. So after breakfast I took the siccors to it. I cut and I cut and he moved nd he moved and I cut and so on. He moved so much and I had to try to make the side even. Well anyway, Sean got home from work and the first thing he said to me is "Where is his hair?" He wasn't happy that I had cut it. You see, Sean had long curly hair when he was a kid and he wanted Logan to look the same. Well Logan has the curly hair and looks very much like Sean, but his hair is wild like mine and so keeping it long right now just won't work.
This picture is my favourite of Sean I love his smile and not to mention his hair. Look at those dimples, what a cute kid.
I want to get Logan's hair to look like this when he is older, but right now I think that it looks better shorter and maybe, hopefully, Logan's hair will get thicker and thicker. What do you think?