Sunday, May 13, 2007

Things I love about being a Mom....

So another Mother's Day has come and gone and I think about what it is that I like about being a mom. I like the little smiles and hugs that come from little faces and arms. Their arms may be small but they seem to find a way to envelope all of me. I like the I love you's, the giggles, wrestling, the unconditional love that follows them everywhere and seems to be for everyone. I like the fearlessness and the courage that seems to diminish with age. You know I also like the quiet times of the day when they are napping. I love the learning that never stops, the curiosity that fuels the learning. I also love turing around in the van and seeing them both sleeping and so peaceful that you wish the peace would last forever. But then they wake up and the love and learning start all over again.

Those are a few things that I love about being a mom!!!!! It is my blessing and I have two little angels that allow me to live my blessing every day and for that i am eternally grateful!!! So on this Mother's Day I would like to thank Michaela and Logan for choosing me to be their mother and guide through this mortal existance. I just pray that I can live up to the needs of these two precious little beings. I love you Micha and Lolo!!!!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Happy Mother's Day Tara. I've been thinking of you and hope you can be patient with me...