It has been a long time since I have been to Drumheller, but on Friday Sean got a day off work and so we packed the kids into the van and drove to the hotness that was Drumheller. We took the kids to the Royal Tyrell Museum. Michaela has alway has a fascination for dinasours and this trip just put her in heaven. She didn't want to stop she just went everywhere and took it all in. She was on the hunt fot a Myasourus (from Diego). I can't be sure if we even saw one, but she couldn't help but look and explore. We had a tough time keeping up with her she was so excited.
Then all to soon it was over and she had had enough and we took the kids home.
I also braved the heat and took the kids to the Airdrie splash park. Michaela needless to say, as she is secretly and fish, really had fun diving and splashing and running through the sprinklers. Logan, on the other had, has not been feeling well and so did not enjoy it as much as he usually enjoys swimming. I hope h gets out of that funk soon as we are heading off to Ontario to spend a few days on Sean's dad's boat. I hope that he will have fun in the lake and I won't be dealing with a cranky boy all week.
Fun pictures! I love the collage you created- how do you do that??
Very cute collage, looks like tons of fun!
I need your email address, we are going to try and plan a reunion for next sumemr so if you could send me yours and your siblings (I have your parents), that would be great!
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