Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Toronto Vacation
So we had a blast in Toronto. The kids LOVED gradndpa's boat and fell in love with the lake. Michaela didn't want to stop swimming and Logan, well, Logan was just took it all in. He was happier with me than anywhere else. Although Uncle Mike took him to feed the ducks and he was really happy with that.
We spent Friday at the Marina and Saturday and Sunday on the lake and the kids actually slept on the boat in the middle of the lake. I was really worried about that, but they did fine.
Michaela hooked herself to Mercedes and she was a blessing cause she didn;t mind having Michaela with her at all times and it gave me a little of a rest. When Mercedes was with her I had no worries, what a great 13 year old. So Mercedes ended up spending the rest of the week with us and boy did she help us out a lot (especially at the Zoo).
On Monday we spent 7 yes that's right 7 hours at the amazing Toronto Zoo. We were able to see the whole zoo and that's NOT a small feat in itself but with 2 toddlers that was amazing that we were able to do that especially in that heat and monday was the nicest day to go. It was only 37 degrees with the humidex rather than 41-43. So it was a good thing we wnt then or we would've said to bad for the zoo. but I am glad that we got the opportunity to go and see animals that we have never seen before.
Michaela was all about the Zebras, Elephants, Giraffes, Jaguar, Lions. She really wanted to see al sloth, but we were unable to find one. Logan, wee, he didn't get to come out of his stroller due to the number of people there and the heat he was better where he was. But he got to see all the animals too so he was happy. All I heard from him was WOW!!!
One thing that makes the Toronto Zoo so amazing was all the educational information that they had. They had exhibits that told you how people in a certain area of the globe lived and how they did their farming and how they would use elephant dung for fertilizer. It was really neat. You could also go at certain times and meet the animal keepers. You don't get to do that at the Calgary Zoo. I don't think that I will lok at the Calgary Zoo the same way after that experience. I will post some animal pictures to give you the chance to see some of the animals that we saw. I actually got to see kangaroos. I thought that was really neat.
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Sounds like so much fun! Isn't it nice to have older kids to help out. I love it when my little sisters are around.
I was going to say the same thing as Heather, I was loving having my niece and nephew here to help with the kids! Now that they are gone I'm not getting anything done!
Really Toronto is good place fun place for kids. When I went there the prove very helpful.
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