I am in need of a personal organizer. i am feeling overwheled with the mess in my house and I can't seem to get on top of it. I just can't seem the rigth place to start. I know I need to take it one room at a time, but what room do I start with and where in that room do I start. I just don't seem to have enough time or knowledge to of what to toss or keep. Sean has a hard time throwing things away and he just tells me to put it off to the side and he will go through it when he has a chance....problem is.....he NEVER has a chance.
I am going to pose a question for all you organized people out there....How do you stay organized and how can I go about starting on my way to being the organized person that I long to be?
Hey Tara,
Wow...it was like reading something from my own mind. With 8 (sometimes 10) people in our home...I struggle with this as well. I found it easier to go through rooms when no one else is around...they wont miss it if they dont see it leave. I know pretty much what they do and do not play with and what they do and do not wear...so I go through it when they are not home and that way, they cant miss it. I did exactly what you said...I picked a floor of the house and just every day did a room (or 2 depending on the room size)making three piles....keep, trash and donate. It wasnt perfect as we have a lot of stuff, but even getting rid of a few things made it not so cluttery.
Good luck in your battle :)
my cousin has a website that is exactly what you are looking for. I also do quite a bit of organizing and I would love to come and help you if I was in Calgary. I LOVE to organize. It's like a hobby. Anyways, the website is: www.thesavvyorganizer.com
Hope that helps.
Just start. I like the Flylady method. You can do anything for 15 minutes. Russ is a hoarder also and I just throw it away when he's not looking and he doesn't miss it (except that box of cassette tapes I tossed 5 years ago...tee hee)
I don't know about a room in a day, and not that I am the picture of being organized but I do a room a month. Taking December and a few other months off. Like one month is the Kitchen, one the Family Room, one month the girls room, etc. It works great for me. I get to over whelmed trying to do a whole room in one day, so I give myself 30!
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