Thursday, March 12, 2009


For the last little while I have been thinking about friendship and the kinds of friends that I have in my life right now. There are 2 people that I have in my life that are 2 polar oppisites when it comes to being a true friend.

One has been going thru one of the toughest times that a mom of 3 can go thru. She is going thru a divorce and for the first few months of it was homeless as her husband technically kick her and the kids out of the house. Even with nowhere to go and moving from house to house for months she made time for her friends and we (I) made time for her. Now with her life heading back in the direction of calm she is still making the time for her friends. She just didn't rely on them for the hard times she relies on the during the good times too. I envy her strength and determination and the fact that in the face of utter desperation she kept her head high and knew that in the end she and her children would be better off. They have grown as a family unit and she is a stronger person for all that she has endured.

I have/had this other friend that says that she is going thru a tough time in her life although I wouldn't know as she has not talked to me in about a year. there has been the odd time that we have talked. She came to see me in the hospital and a monthe later we went for dinner, but in the mean time and in between time she has not called or talked to me at all. I used to call her all the time and finally got tired of being the one that always called or wwent out of my way to talk to her. I used to go talk to her at church in the library. A couple of weeks ago during R/S I was sitting with my SIL and sister and one chair down form me sat my "friend" she totally and completely ignored me and I got to thinking that she usually does and it has been me that goes to talk to her. I wonder what I did that ticked her off so much that she feels that ignoring me is the answer. I have noticed that she talks and does things with other people so it must be that I did something to make her feel that I am not even worth the time or effort to talk to anymore. I have been debating whether or not I should talk to her about it and lay it all on the line. Most people I have tlak to about it think that I need to "clear the air" as it were as I have nothing to lose.

I guess I was just thinking that there are the true friends that don't push people aside in their tough times. Then there are those "friends" that may just use the excuse that they are going thru a rough patch to exit a friendship.

I am really glad for the true friends that make me feel good about myslef and even in their times of need they still make the time to find out what is going in the life of their friends.

I think that we all need to take the time to thank those people in our lives who we have the pleasure of calling our friends.

So thank you to all my friends that I am glad that also call me friend. You all know who you are and you all mean a lot to me and I am glad that I have you in my life.


Debbie Jo said...

Weez is very lucky to have a friend like you.

Kozy Koverz by Louise said...

aww Tara, I love you. I really wish we were closer.

I completely understand you about those other types of friends. I seem to have a lot of those. I feel like I put all this effort in and nothing is returned. It breaks my heart a little.

Hold to your true friends. And as far as other people go, I personally just try to think that they have their reasons, whatever they are, that make them seem distant. And I haven't quite figured out how to deal with that yet, but if I figure it out, I'll let ya know :)

Hang in there. You are amazing.