Friday, September 21, 2007

It's been a boring life....

Well it's been awhile since my last blog, but I wish that I had something to report, however, nothing really has been happening here. Michaela hs finnished her third week at playschool and she's come along way, I've already noticed a chinge in her behaviour (for the most part anyways). My days have been taken up with Dora and Little Einsteins these days and as Autumn approaches, I don't see us getting out too much. Although I have heard that Aidrie Family Services has a playgroup that meet in their building every week, so I may look into taking the kids there.

But I do have a question for all those reading this post.

What do YOU do when it is cold out to occupy the kids and allow them to have fun.
Craft ideas, recipes anyhting would be appreciated.


Nikki said...

Great question! Kia was big on dress up play, imaginative ANYTHING. We built her a big puppet theatre when we lived in calgary, and spent lots of time doing puppet shows. Dress up play (stock up on Halloween costumes on clearance after Oct 31st). Playdough, baking with Mom (when Mom can handle the clean-up), lots of playdates, and trips to the library.

Leslie said...

I like to buy the foam crafts from Michaels when they go one sale. Usually there are lots of things to do in one box so you can do it over and over and over. (which is what we as moms are expected to do) Or foam stickers....that is always fun.

Anonymous said...

Kool-Aid® Play Dough
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 package unsweetened Kool-Aid
1/4 cup salt
1 cup water

Mix flour, salt, and Kool-Aid® in a medium pot. Add water and oil. Stir over medium heat 3 to 5 minutes. When mixture forms a ball in pot, remove. Knead until smooth. Put in a plastic bag and refrigerate.