He was standing on a chair in our living room and although Sean and I both told him to get off the chair, he being 22 months knew better and stayed. Well low and behold the chair went backwards and Logan followed suit. We have an end table that has a door on it and..no he couldn't just hit the corner of the table he had to go and get his laceration from the door hinge itself. Needless to say that blood started GUSHING..yes gushing from his wound and Sean immediately took action..thanks first aid training..mom was a wreck. Sean cleaned up the blood and there it was a nice sized gash in is noggin. I wanted to rush him to the hospital, but then discovered that there wasa n after hours clinic here in Airdrie and so I took him there hoping that there would be no ned for stitches. But the gash was deeper than we thought that when the doctor cleaned it, it started to bleed all over again. So stitches it would be. I left the room and the doctor and nurses took charge and froze the area and out he came with four stitches in the front of his head.
Other than an extremely sensative noggin he is back to his old fun loving self and yes he is vack to standing on the guilty chair. You'd think he would've learnt.
Ouch! Don't you just love boys. We have taken Bright to the ER many a times... no stiches yet, but I am sure they are going to come eventually!
EEGAD! I'd be wreck also...
He got his stitches taken out on Tuesday and seems to be his old self again. Thank goodness
I had stitches in my foot when I was younger. It's never fun. I hope he is doing much better.
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