So I was reading
Jess's blog and reading her 6 random things and noticed when I got to the end that she had tagged me to list mine. So here it goes;
1) As well as Jessica I too know all the words to the
"Mormon Rap" and think it's sad that Mormon Youth have no clue what we are talking about when we mention it.
2) I am addicted to Facebook just for the mere fact that I LOVE to find long lost friends and see what they are up to. I like to reconnect and mend some broken, but not burnt bridges. I do though, at time, think that I spend too much time on it when I should be doing other things..just don't tell my husband that I admit that.
3) I am VERY close to my family and think that I have the best parents in the world although it wasn't always like that. I also think that I have the kindest husband who takes care of us and always looks out for the best interests of his family. He is my best friend and I don't know what my life would be like without him. I also adore my kids and even though at time they test my patience I wouldn't trade them for the world.
4) I LOVE photography and am trying to start up my own photography business. It is hard at times, but I love it so much that I persevere and keep jugging along. I love how I can say many words with the click of the camera and portray a feeling and make a memory that people didn't know that they even made.
5) I wish I had someone who would help he organize and clean my house. Oh and decorate it too. I have all these big plans but somehow I just don't seem to find the time to do to them or I don't really know where to start. I wish I knew how to dejunk, but I think that sometimes I just don't have the patience for it and wish that I did. Cleaning? well that's a whole other story.
6) I wish that it was easier to loose wieght than gain it. I have been working out and running like crazy and I am not where I want to be. I look at myself in the mirror and think hmmmm. I look really good today and then I will get a picture taken and think..hmmmm... I didn't think that I looked that FAT!!! So I guess what I am saying is that I wish I had a better self image of myself and didn't feel so about about my looks all the gets exhausting after awhile.
So there you have it my 6 random thoughts. Now are you ready I have to tag 6 people to do this too....I tag..Kim, Leslie, Nikki, Mandy, Sarah, Krista