I got a call from Hunter's pedeatrician yesterday and they are schedueling him for an MRI because the base of his spine from the ultrasound was not visable. I knew that was going to happen, but doesn't lessen the anxiety as they will have to sedate him to get it done. Not fun for a 2 month old, but at least we will know what the deal is and wether or not anything needs to be done.
I am a firm believer in NOT having the kids sleep in Sean's and my bed. It is our place where the kids are not allowed to intrude upon. Michaela was never in bed with us even when she was first born. Logan slept in bed with me (while Sean slept on the couch) for the first week as he had jaundice and that was it. After he was jaundice free he was in his own bed and has been ever since. Now we come to Hunter, because I was really sore after this c-section, he slept in bed with me (Sean was again on the couch) for the first week and ever since I have been paying for it. He has been really hard to get to sleep after his nighttimes feeds. The last couple of nights I have been up with him for at least an hour after he eats while he fusses. I would finally get him to sleep, I would go to put him in his crib and just as I was settling back into bed he would start fussing again. Sometimes all it would take was putting his soother back in his mouth rock him in the crib and that would do it. Lately he as gotten me out of bed 3-4 times after each feeding (and lately he has been getting up 3 times a night). At this point I am so frustrated that I give up and bring him into bed with me and what do you know he falls right asleep. Yet if I was to move he wakes up and it all starts over again.
Lately, he hasn't just been fussy at night, he has been fussy all day too. Nothing I do seems to make him feel any better, or for that matter me. This last week has been hard on me. I hope that both Hunter and I make it thru and get some sleep.
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