1. Hunter had his ultra sound yesterday and I won't have the results until I hear from my doctor which I hope will be in the week.
2. I heard about the offer that I put in for the consignment store and I am number 2 on the list so if anything happens with the offer that she choose then it will go to me. But I am thinking that I want to open a comsignment store regardless of the way it goes. If it happens to be Cater Tot then great if not then I will look into opening one up on my own.
3. I have this pet peeve that rears its ugly head every once in awhile. It's nothing really major but it really bugs me none the less. I REALLY HATE mouth noises. Doesn't matter who's making them people or dogs. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. I could be sound asleep and the dogs will start licking or doing whatever it is they do with their mouths and it will jerk me right out of a sound sleep.
4. Another pet peeve is the fact that I am a loud swallower. Have been all my life. Don't know why and don't know why it doesn't seem to happen all the time.
5. As all mothers know, when you have a newborn you are up at least once during the night to feed a hungry baby. I am no different and I have been watching some late night TV each time I am up. Sometimes it happens to be an infomercial (as long as it is a good one). When I can't find a good one I watch stupid TV shows like "Married..with children" (when you're tired it seems that you will watch almost anything). But even during the wee hours of the morning I can' help but wonder "what in the world is someone like the Darcy's - who are well off, doing living in the same naighbourhood as the Bundy's- who are white trailer trash without the trailer?" I know, that's what lack of sleep will do to a person.
6. We decided to put a TV in Logan's room in the hopes that it will give us some time to ourselves and time when we don't have to watch "Treehouse". I was amazed to discover that by doing so we have drastically decreased the time that the kids spend in front of the TV. They play more upstairs (sometimes the TV is on, but they aren't watching it.) Who knew?
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