Tuesday, November 25, 2008

8 days.....

This past friday (Nov 21) Sean and I celebrated our 5th anniversary. Man how time flies. He took me out on Saturday to dinner and a movie and we had a great time. I love how he surprises me with a phone call that says.."hey I found a sitter...I am taking you out tonight". I am looking forward to many many more happy years together with him.

I am suffering from disbelief that there is only 8 days left until this baby comes. And yes he is still unnamed. I keep giving Sean name ideas and so far nothing has peaked his interest. I have come up with Owen, Ewan, Pierce, Vaughn, Tiernan, Talon, and so on and so on. So who knows what this little one will end up for a name. When we have settled on a name I will let you in on what is the big question in our house hold.

Other than that there is really nothing to report. I am trying to get caught up on work before I go to the hospital so I don't have to worry about falling to far behind. It sure is keeping me busy that's for sure.

I am looking for people to help with the kids while I am in the hospital I have some days covered, but with Sean unable to take too much time off work, we are left depending on the kindness of friends to help us out.

Well that's it for now. I will try to keep you updated more often with what is going on around here.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Here I sit just trying to take it as easy as I can while waiting for the 3rd of December to arrive. That is the date that we will be welcoming our 3rd and final child into our family. I have been in the middle of the whole nesting phase, trying to get the boys' room in order and tidy the master bedroom. We got new furniture and so we had to set up the bedroom a litte differently and we are still tryin to to used to the new set up (so are the dogs).

I have been worried about who I can get to watch the kids while I am in the hospital (3 days) and while Sean in working. I am also hoping that my parents can take them for a few days when I get home from the hospital. Recovering from a c-section sucks. I hope that I can get this house in order to give the kids the feel of Christmas this year. Since Logan was born on the 7th I don't out the tree up until after his birthday. I want him to feel that his birthday is special. But the poor little guy won't get much of a party this year, just means that I may have to make it up to him next year. I hope that Ican find the time for Christmas shopping this year. Last year I went to Idaho for Black Friday and ot all the shopping done then, this year however, I am stuck at home while my sisters and sister-in-law head down to do their shopping.

The fact that this baby is coming so close to Christmas is concerning me. When I had Logan we had Seans mom living here so I didn't have to worry about things like getting the tree up or Christmas dinner, and with Sean as the Scrooge personified I really can't count on him to do it.

Oh and by the way this baby still doesn't have a name so I am putting out there for you to tell me what your favourite boys name is and if we choose one of those then there will be prize in it for the winner. I am looking for a unique name but nothing to out crazy. Logan was almost Tyrannus and Sean has put forward the name Radar for this one (sometimes it's hard to tell if he's joking). So PLEEAAASSEEE...help me out here I need ideas.