Friday, May 30, 2008

Well right now I am supposed to be doing some work, but I thought that I would take a few minutes and fill you in on the week. Things for the most part have been chuging along as per usual but then a gog was thrown into the wheel and i had to quit my job. Not by choice but they left me no choice.

Wednesday I got to work and noticed that they have taken away my day shift that we needed for me to make the fact that I went to work worthwhile. I was then informed that I was not going to be given another day to make up for that. I then went into my shift on Thursday and told them that 7 hours a week was not worthe the hassle and the effect on my kids for me to come into work. I was informed that they liked the way I worked and that I pick up the job really well (it was M&M meats it wasn't that tough), but that they couldn't give me more than 7 hours so I said that today (thursday) was goign to be my last shift. She asked me if I was going to give notice to which I informed her that it hasn't been three months and that I wasn't required to by law.

Then she proceeds to tell me that they are short staffed and all I could think was then why are you only giving me 7 hours a week when I am capable of working more. Sean is under the impression that they were squeezing me out because I am pregnant and they didn't want the liability of have me work for them. So they did it in a way that I really can't do anything about it. I was really upset about the whole situation and thought that they were above this kind of treatment and had hoped that I had found a company that was baove this kind of treaatment.

Well that's enough of the vent. See ya next time..

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Update from the House of Sands!!!

My life these days has been pretty boring. I get up and deal with the kids all day. Take Michaela to dance class on tuesdays. I try not to feel to sick all the time. I am about to end my first trimester and head into my second so hopefully I start to feel better soon, but if my other kids are any indication that won't be happening. Thank goodness for pop and diclectin.

Logan has been starting to act out more these days. I don't know if that's because he is in his terrible 2's or if he senses something is know how sensitive kids can be. It's almost like he has 2 personalities. One we call Lolo..sweet and fun and funny and loving and just a pleasure to be around. Lolo has the sweetes smile that could light up any room that he enters. The other we call Ogar...well that pretty much explains the behaviour there..OGARISH!!!!!! NASTY and ONRY and down right MISERABLE!!!! Ogar has the most ear piercing scream and cry that I have ever heard. We never know which one we are going be facing from one minute to the next. Funny how there can be 2 totally different people in one cute little boy.

Michaela, well she is coming into her own personality. She has been starting to show mre initiative but also more attittude and lippiness. But what can you expect from a three going on 15 year old. She has friend that is her same preschool and they have formed this bond that is pretty strong for their age. It is nice to see that she is able to make friends so easily. But the other day at preschool they embraced and kissed. Now I don't know if I need to be concerned that they are showing this kind of affection. I don't remember being that affectionate with my friends. So i think that I need to sit her down and expalin that there are certain kinds of affection that is not appropriate. Or maybe I just need to chalk it up to a 3 and 4 year olds friendship and leave it there and see what happens. I know that kids are prone to kiss each other, but that doesn't make the shock of seeing it happen any less shocking.

I am trying to find the energy and the time to do my house work and my bookkeeping business and my parttime job and take care of my family It seems that tese things take all my time and I don't seem to have any time for myself or hanging with my friends and just finding the time to be me. The house work suffers so i feel that I am living in a pig stye. Sean tells me that I need to ask for more help and that if I ask him to do things he will just do them. So I guess I just need to rely on him more and maybe things will end up getting done around here.

Other than that there is nothing much going in the House of Sands these days...Michaela has graduated from her first year of preschool and they are having a Carnival on her last day on friday so that will be fun. the kids are also in swimming lessons and Michaela is in her first unparented class and seeming to do very well (which doesn't surprise me at all...she's extremely bright for a 3 year old).

Enough rambling for now, just thought that I would give you an update on all the happenings and unhappenings in our little house.
Until next time..Keep fit and have fun!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thanks Michelle

1. Do you like blue cheese? Can't stand the stuff!!!

2. Have you ever smoked? yeah in grade 7..stupidest thing ever!

3. Do you own a gun? not me but Sean has 2 rifles..little hunter Sean

4. What flavor Kool Aid is your favorite? cherry

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointment? depends on why I am going, but not like I used to..having kids will do that to you.

6. What do you think of hot dogs? Only around a campfire followed by s'mores

7. Favorite Christmas movie? The original "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? It has to be water for my medication then milk or OJ

9. Can you do push ups? used to want to be able to do them again post pregnancy!

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? I don't really wear jewlery. I always forget to put it on

11. Favorite hobby? Photography

12. Do you have A.D.D.? no

13. What's your weight? Not on your life am I answering that..besides I think it's healthy not to know!

14. Middle name? LaRae

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment. 3 thoughts? what am i thinking about? Oh what's the next question.

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? water, Diet pepsi, cranberry juice

17. Current worry? I really need to get our budget done!

18. Current hate right now? my messy house

19. Favorite place to be? with my family...mainly Sean

20. How did you bring in the New Year? Stayed home

21. Where would you like to go? Gay Ole Paris

22. Name three people who will complete this? Sarah, Jessica and Heather

23. Do you own slippers? Nope

24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Red

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? I prefer mt sateen sheets.

26. Can you whistle? yep

27. Favorite color? don't really have one!

28. Would you be a pirate? Not sure

29. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower never have never will

30. Favorite Girl's Name? Michaela

31. Favorite boy's name? I should say Logan, and even though I LOVE it, it is not my favourite..Mine is Talon

32. What's in your pocket right now? nothing -- Don't have pockets in my jammies

33. Last thing that made you laugh? Moomy..I think that I am hungry...This was said AFTER Michaela ate 12 meatballs

34. Best bed sheets as a child? plain or flowers

35. Worst injury you've ever had? broken collar bone..twice the same one!

36. Do you love where you live? sometimes!

37. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2..3 if you count the projector used for movies and sporting events!

38. Who is your loudest friend? Louise and I LOVE her for it!!!

39. How many dogs do you have? 2

40. Does someone have a crush on you? Well Sean for sure!!!

41. What is your favorite book? Anything Mary Higgins Clark and I LOVE The Witching Hour (Anne Rice) and of course Anne of Green Gables!

42. What is your favorite candy? Licorice not the red crapt...but true BLACK Licorice!!

43. Favorite Sports Team? Flames

44. What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't even want to thin about that at the moment!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Playing catch up...

So I had my first ultra sound this morning to figure out how far along I am. I am 10 weeks on the nose and much to my relief only having ONE baby. I always said that this was my last pregnancy and if i was supposed to have more than 3 kids then I would need to have them in this pregnancy. So I thought that I may have invited something that I didn't really want to deal with. So I am REALLY relieved that one is enough.

Anyways....the baby is active and I can't believe how small right now. I haven't had an ultra sound this early before so it was interesting.

Not much else is going on. I have been feeling really sick and tired and very gassy. My doctor put me on diclectin for my upset stomach and I hope that it doesn't make me too tired.

I will fill you in on all the news soon as I haven't reallt had time to think about things let alone write about them.

Friday, May 09, 2008


So I had a problem with my computer this week and so I haven't been able to to anything, but we went and got a new one and so I am back up and running. I will fill you in on my week later...I am off to pick Michaela from preschool and do some grocery shopping and hope that Sean's paycheque will stretch as far as we need it to this next couple of weeks.