Saturday, January 31, 2009

I got a call from Hunter's pedeatrician yesterday and they are schedueling him for an MRI because the base of his spine from the ultrasound was not visable. I knew that was going to happen, but doesn't lessen the anxiety as they will have to sedate him to get it done. Not fun for a 2 month old, but at least we will know what the deal is and wether or not anything needs to be done.

I am a firm believer in NOT having the kids sleep in Sean's and my bed. It is our place where the kids are not allowed to intrude upon. Michaela was never in bed with us even when she was first born. Logan slept in bed with me (while Sean slept on the couch) for the first week as he had jaundice and that was it. After he was jaundice free he was in his own bed and has been ever since. Now we come to Hunter, because I was really sore after this c-section, he slept in bed with me (Sean was again on the couch) for the first week and ever since I have been paying for it. He has been really hard to get to sleep after his nighttimes feeds. The last couple of nights I have been up with him for at least an hour after he eats while he fusses. I would finally get him to sleep, I would go to put him in his crib and just as I was settling back into bed he would start fussing again. Sometimes all it would take was putting his soother back in his mouth rock him in the crib and that would do it. Lately he as gotten me out of bed 3-4 times after each feeding (and lately he has been getting up 3 times a night). At this point I am so frustrated that I give up and bring him into bed with me and what do you know he falls right asleep. Yet if I was to move he wakes up and it all starts over again.
Lately, he hasn't just been fussy at night, he has been fussy all day too. Nothing I do seems to make him feel any better, or for that matter me. This last week has been hard on me. I hope that both Hunter and I make it thru and get some sleep.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Random Stuff

1. Hunter had his ultra sound yesterday and I won't have the results until I hear from my doctor which I hope will be in the week.
2. I heard about the offer that I put in for the consignment store and I am number 2 on the list so if anything happens with the offer that she choose then it will go to me. But I am thinking that I want to open a comsignment store regardless of the way it goes. If it happens to be Cater Tot then great if not then I will look into opening one up on my own.
3. I have this pet peeve that rears its ugly head every once in awhile. It's nothing really major but it really bugs me none the less. I REALLY HATE mouth noises. Doesn't matter who's making them people or dogs. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. I could be sound asleep and the dogs will start licking or doing whatever it is they do with their mouths and it will jerk me right out of a sound sleep.
4. Another pet peeve is the fact that I am a loud swallower. Have been all my life. Don't know why and don't know why it doesn't seem to happen all the time.
5. As all mothers know, when you have a newborn you are up at least once during the night to feed a hungry baby. I am no different and I have been watching some late night TV each time I am up. Sometimes it happens to be an infomercial (as long as it is a good one). When I can't find a good one I watch stupid TV shows like "Married..with children" (when you're tired it seems that you will watch almost anything). But even during the wee hours of the morning I can' help but wonder "what in the world is someone like the Darcy's - who are well off, doing living in the same naighbourhood as the Bundy's- who are white trailer trash without the trailer?" I know, that's what lack of sleep will do to a person.
6. We decided to put a TV in Logan's room in the hopes that it will give us some time to ourselves and time when we don't have to watch "Treehouse". I was amazed to discover that by doing so we have drastically decreased the time that the kids spend in front of the TV. They play more upstairs (sometimes the TV is on, but they aren't watching it.) Who knew?

Monday, January 19, 2009

I got the go ahead

Well the doctor has given me the go ahead to start some light exercises until I get stronger to run like I used to. So for now it's all about walking and light pilates. I hope that it doesn't take too long to get back to the place that I was before I got pregnant. Sean has promised me that if I get to where I like myself.(fit and strong) then he will take me on a trip next year. So I am looking forward to that. It just means that I have some work to do. I have given myself a goal of 40 lbs (but if I get the strength that I used to have before that weight goal then I will be happy). I used to be able to wrestle with Sean and not feel the pain that I feel now.
So I have an appointment with my family doctor to get help with my eating habits/diet plan. I have also become interested in the Turbo Jam program (I found it during one of my many nights while I was up nursing Hunter). I think that I may actually buy this system when I get stronger. If you have heard of this program use any other that focus on the core area let me know as that is the area that I need to focus most of my attention. It is lacking from the 3 c-sections that I have undergone in the last 4 years.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just a typical Wednesday

Today, Hunter had his pediatrician's appointment and I am relieved to say that there is nothing neurologically wrong with him, but they are sending him for an ultrasound to figure out what is causing the "pukering" of the skin, then later they will do an MRI because they can determine more (but it is too invasive for a baby). It was a big concern of mine that he would have difficulty with walking in the future, but that is not the case so that is a big relief to me.
Last night was a hard one on me. Hunter was up every 2 1/2 hours to eat and then it would take an extra hour to put him back to sleep. His 12am feed was particularly hard on me cause he was he fed until 12:30 then didn't settle down until 1:45 and then decided that he was hungry again at 2:30 and then it just went down hill from there. I know that in the future I am going to miss the closeness of these moments, but right now I would really like to sleep longer than an hour at a time. You know I evern tried to suppliment him with formula but he didn't sleep any longer so I determined that there was no point in that anymore. Oh well one night he will surprise me and sleep the night away.

He is growing fast so that is good. He already weighs 9lbs 13ozs and for my babies at this age that is HUGE!!! But he is on the short side like Logan. Although he is taller than Logan was at this age, so Hunter may end up being the BIG little brother.

Not much else is going on in my life at the moment, excpet the fact that I am seriously considering going into the consignment business. The one in Airdrie is for sale and I am looking into what I need to do and what kinds of things I need to get to make this a reality. I think that I need to get out of the house a bit more. But the idea of working in an office setting is not one that appeals to me. I am a people person and need a job that gives me that opportunity to interact with people just like I had while I was waitressing. We will see how this goes and if it is menat to be then I hope that it will work it self out. Then I can hire my best friend to manage it for me then she will have to more up here.

So tonight I was in my room sorting some files from a client when Michaela came in and said
"Mom, I drew on my wall and Logan drew on his"
"What?" I said as I got up and went to see what she was talking about.
"No, no, mom don't look at it yet, it's not finished"
I walked into Logan's room and there on his wall was a murial that she had drew. I made my way into her room and there was the writing on the wall, as it were.
We made them clean up their little graffitti and as Michaela was cleaning up one of the walls in her room, she told me that it was her "No Boys Allowed" sign.
Well now that it is all cleaned up and they are in bed, I can see now that they were expressing their creative side, however, I would have like to have seen that creativity on a piece of paper rather than on their walls.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Don't know what is wrong

Well for those of you who don't know our third and final child was born Dec 3 2008 via C-section. The poor little guy went unnamed until the last day in the hospital and the name he ended up with was Sean Hunter Ray Sanderson, he goes by Hunter. He looks like a a splitting image of big sister Michaela (only in boy form). I have been finding it hard to get back on the swing od things and I have work to do that I am finding it hard to organize my time to get it done. Hunter is keeping me quite busy. It feels like I am constatly feeding him and can't seem to get motivated to get started. I am trying to get my house clean and the other kids fed and dinners made and laundry done and bills paid and all the other stuff that comes with being a SAHM and throwing another child into the mix (especailly one that is nursing) seems to throw everything off balance. So unfortunately my work is suffering and I really need to get it going so that I am not to far behind. But I was ready to sit down tonight to get started on the organization of the files and Hunter demanded my attention so I had to put that on hold to feed him and now here I sit looking at the massive work staring back at me not knowing how to get motivated to get started again.

I have also been going through bouts of depression not knowing if I can really do this and feeling alone, stressed and losing patience and not knowing where to turn. I feel that I am losing myself and am being swallowed up by the ever pressing demands that are made on me every day. I don't know how to claw my way out of the hole that I feel that I have fallen into.

Well enough of that, on a lighter note, Michaela has started to "feed" one of her stuffies. If you are thinking that by "feeding" I mean Breast Feeding then you are correct. Sean came down the other night just mortified that she was nursing her stuffie. I thought that it was cute and each time I say that I need to feed Hunter out comes her toy and up goes her shirt and promptly latches it on herself and feeds it. Then she says "I beaty you Mommy". Who knew it was a race.

Hunter goes to a pediatrician next week for a variety of reasons. The most pressing is the fact that he has a wierd "Y" shape at the base of his spine along with 2 parinidal dimples (pits) along the "Y" shape. I hope that all is well and that I am worried for nothing, but better safe than sorry..right? He is also puking all the time but still gaining weight. right now he is 9lbs 4 ozs so growing like a weed. There are other things too, but they are low on the list of concerns.

Well I will end this entry for today and I promise that I will be more dilligent in my entries from her on out.