Friday, June 05, 2009

A big surprise

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

That is really all that can be said. i don't even know who I am thanking.

I went to the mailbox the other day and was greated by a small but thick envelope with only a happy face as a return address. I opened said "package" and was immediately in tears as someone sent us a mass quantity of Superstore gift cards with just a simple note saying that they hope that it helps. I have to say that it did a great deal as I only had enough money to get the kids milk and bread and maybe some eggs to make cookies later. But someone noticed something or just knows how hard it is when the one parent that brings in all the money is going to school and knows that EI doesn't pay all that much.

So to that person I am very grateful for their generousity and comapssion.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Milestones reached....

So my last post brought to an end my babysitting sharing. Although it was alot of work I enjoyed it for the most part. But I am now enjoying the time that I get to spend with my kids and actually get out and do things as with 6 kids I was stuck at the house because our truck barely fits 3 kids let alone 6. I think that was part of my problem I felt stuck at home with no place to go. But now we all can do things like we did last year and have fun together.

Anyways that is no the reason for this post, I am posting because I am in awe of my little Hunter. He is now 6 months old and already crawling and boy can he move. He sure knows what he wants and works to get it. There is no stopping him. I think that this attitude will serve him well in his life. Oh and he has cut his first tooth and his second one is not far behind. So we are going to be having a couple more sleepless nights I think. Although he is still not sleeping thru the night so it really hasn't made a difference in his sleeping pattern.

Micha is now back to her happy go lucky self. Still trying to do things that she thinks that she can, and not listening ALL the time, but it is a far cry better than her attitude ahs been. I think that she just needed our dynamics to go back to normal. I think that she missed the one on one time that she got from me.

Lolo is his loving self and fighting with his sister, but nothing out of the ordinary.

I am glad that things are back to normal around here and my kids are back to their old selfs. They miss G and C and I have to admit that there are days that I miss them too. Sometimes I miss C's constant questions and him asking "Tara are you happy with me?" I have to admit that most times I was and I feel blessed that I was given the chance to watch some amazing kids.

I am also glad that all the mishaps that went on the last week did not interfere with an amazing friend as I don't have many of them and value the ones that I do have and appreciate all that she has done for me in watching my kids and being there with a listening ear.