Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I have been noticing some things in Michaela's behaviour that makes me wonder if there is something that is amiss in her lately. She has always had a really hard time with change whether that be a new class, a new teacher, new students in her class or even if we change activities. These have always been hard adjustments for her but lately there ahve been other things that she has been doing that make me wonder. For instance she has been taking he clothes out of her drawers and laying them down in rows on her floor. Her underwear, socks all neatly laid out in rows and she haas also been pairing her pants with her shirts and laying them on the floor in a row too. Then there is the stuffed animals that have certain ends of the bend and pillows that they sleep on. If I am to move any of these things a temper tamtrum ensues. She is the one that has to put them away, but out they come the next day, it is almost ritualistic.
Now I am not sure if this act is just her needing to have control over something in her life or if it is something else entirely, like OCD. Now I have been thinking OCD because it is closely linked to ADHD (for those who don't know, her dad is ADHD) and I wonder if this is how it is manifesting itself in her. There is also a possibility that I am worried about nothing, but I would rather know now before she goes into kindergarten in September. I would rather her be diagnosed with OCD rather than labelled as a problem child because of her reactions to things that happen to her.

On another note, Hunter doesn't go for his MRI until June 30 quite a long wait, but at least he will be a little older and able to deal with the sedation better.

Sean is still not going to church and I don't know how to get him back. He blames the members for their lack of caring and says they are hypocritical. Other than supporting him right now so he knows that I love him and want him to be happy I don't know what to do about it all. I feel that if he knows that I love him and want him to come back than he will realize that he wants it too. He says he knows what he is doing isn't right, but he still knows the church is true, but right now is angry at the people and doesn't want to step inside the building right now. He is at the point that he deson't see the point of going to a building to prove that he believes. So yeah I am at a loss, but as long as I keep going and taking the kids then maybe one day he will surprise me and go with us.

Logan right now is just being his fun loving self and aside from a few melt downs he is a happy loving boy who is giving no reason to worry, for the tiem being...that being said I am always ready for the next thing to happen.


Mandy said...

Maybe remind Sean that the members aren't perfect just like he's not, but the church IS. The Church is perfect but the members are not and that's is something that can be hard to remember. Just keep praying for his heart to be softened and keep trying to have faith. We'll keep you in our prayers too.

Nikki said...

Hey old friend, I have no answers. I think we just have to do the best with what we've got. Hang in there, stay real and honest about what you need and want and be happy. Hugs!wh

Kozy Koverz by Louise said...

sending you hugs. and a kick in the pants for sean. i'll pray for you.

michaela and keira are so different but they sure seem to be a little the same in their behaviours. keira is the same about her blanket for example - it has to be right side up facing the right direction or she freaks out. she's very 'particular' about things i like to call it. i wonder if it IS something or if it's normal behaviour for children that age. i'll let you know if keira's councellors say anything about it.