Sunday, January 24, 2010


Just to be fair to Sean, I just thought that I should clear something up. Yes, I wish that he wasn't going down this road, I think that this is something that he has to do to get to where he needs to be. A little off the straight and narrow but still leads there in a round about way. The biggest problem that I have is that I wish I didn't have such an issue with it and really I don't know why I do. I let it consume me and it really shouldn't because in the grand scheme of things it really is a minute detail. He comes home to me every night, loves me, takes care of me, tries to never deny me anything (will always try to find a way to make things happen), works his butt off to provide for the family, I have fun with him and we have fun together, we laugh together, talk about anything and everything. He is the biggest and best part of my life. So for some people his issues would be the end of things but for me it is just another challenge to help me be a stronger person.

I am disappointed in his choices not in him.

1 comment:

Darcie said...

Well Said! Only YOU know what you can handle in your marriage, YOU know what your deal breakers are. Everyone has problems in their mariage, I'd like to meet someone who was being compeltely honest in saying they had none...
You guys need to be strong for each other, we made promises in the temple to our spouses that we would be there through good times and bad..through hard choices...Love him more during this time Tara, show him support and he will come around. He's a good guy, you can't change him, but you can support and love. Pray lots and Heavenly Father will bless you and your home. Sometimes all we need to do is pray for peace in our own hearts and as you receive that you will see changes in him too...
This is when the church and your testimony is so much more important! You're strong, you'll make it!!!!!