Saturday, January 23, 2010


Michaela was invited to a birthday party for a girl in her class. They had it at Airdrie Edge Gymnastics club, looked like a ton of fun. The little girl that it was for asked for no presents, but a small donation for the Red Cross to send to Haiti. Now I thought that was really sweet. But my question much of that is HER and how much of that is Parental influence? How many 6 year olds do YOU know that think like that? I know that there are a few here and there and you hear about them from time to time but really it IS a rarity. How much would YOU influnece your kids to do something like that? What would YOU promise your child they would get if they did this? How much of it is just fro show and how much of it is genuine? These questions are among some of the ones that have been going thru my head since Micha got the invite for this party. What are YOUR thoughts?

1 comment:

Darcie said...

We had one invite that asked for only a toonie, one dollar to her and one dollar to the charity of her choice it was going to. I thought it was wonderful...I think kids get way too much anyway for birthdays and Christmas, this way they learn to give to people in need and also get to pick one special thing for themselves. I think the mom would have been better to do it that way then to expect her as a 6yr old to not get anything, sometimes people go to the extreme in trying to teach their children.
Although I think that's a good influence on your child to teach them to give to people in need, this is a perfect way to do it. Maybe the mom is going to buy her something special for doing it. Hey, at least you don't have to go shopping for a gift!!! :)